Press Releases

July 26, 2012
“Today, House Republicans wasted more time as they passed yet another anti-regulation bill that will do nothing to create jobs or grow the economy while rolling back critical protections for consumers and the environment.  With little time left on the schedule, we ought to be taking action on the middle-class tax cut extension the Senate passed yesterday.  House Republicans should pass that bill immediately, so we can extend tax cuts for families and small businesses on income under $250,000.  Passing the Senate bill would give certainty to 98% of families and 97% of small businesses that their taxes will not increase next year.                                                                                                                                                                                   
July 26, 2012
“I join in marking the twenty-second anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 1990.  I was incredibly proud to lead the effort in Congress to pass this landmark legislation and see it signed into law.  Since 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act has enabled more than 50 million people with disabilities to participate more fully and more equally in our society. 
July 25, 2012
“This afternoon, the Senate took a major step toward providing certainty to middle-class families and small businesses that their taxes will not go up next year.  Its passage of a bill to extend tax cuts on income at or below $250,000 will spare 98% of families and 97% of small businesses from a tax increase.  Now it is up to the House of Representatives to act.  The Republican leadership owes it to the American people to pass this bill on the Floor immediately.   
July 25, 2012
“This morning it was announced that over one million Medicare beneficiaries have saved money this year thanks to the Affordable Care Act, with the average senior saving $622 so far this year on prescription drugs.  Affordable Care Act provisions, including closing the Part D ‘donut hole’ coverage gap, are resulting in real benefits and savings for seniors.  More than 5.2 million seniors and others on Medicare have now saved a total of $3.9 billion on prescription drugs since the Affordable Care Act first came into effect. 
July 24, 2012
“The tax legislation introduced by House Republicans today shows that their priority is protecting tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% and that they are willing to hold tax cuts for the middle class hostage unless they have their way.  The Republican bill is a far cry from what most Americans and small businesses are asking for:  an extension of rates on income below $250,000, which will cover 98% of families and 97% of small businesses. 
July 24, 2012
“Today’s report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office makes it very clear:  the Affordable Care Act is controlling the growth of health care costs and contributing to deficit reduction.  The CBO report attests that House Republicans’ latest attempt to repeal health reform would leave an additional 30 million Americans uninsured and increase deficits $109 billion over the next ten years as well as an even greater amount – roughly 0.5% of GDP, or $1.5 trillion – over the following decade. 
July 20, 2012
“I join in mourning the tragic loss of life in Colorado this morning.  The families of the victims, the many injured, and all those in Aurora are in my thoughts and in my prayers.  It is in times like these that Americans have always rallied together as one community and one family, and we do so again today.  I commend the heroism of our first responders from local and federal law enforcement and area hospitals, who have done an outstanding job in the face of great difficulty.  
July 19, 2012
“I was disappointed that Senate Republicans blocked legislation today that would have ended tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas.  The Bring Jobs Home Act, one of the bills House Democrats added to our Make It In America jobs plan last week, would eliminate deductions for moving expenses when companies outsource and would provide a tax credit to those businesses that bring jobs back home.  This type of reform is necessary to stop encouraging the export of jobs and instead help manufacturers hire workers here to produce goods we can export across the world. 
July 19, 2012
“I am deeply disturbed that Speaker Boehner would falsely charge President Obama with putting politics ahead of the challenges facing middle-class Americans still out of work and their families, and not caring about their situation.  He should look very carefully at the history this Congress of the House over which he presides.  It tells the story of Republicans walking away again and again from their responsibility to extend unemployment insurance, keep payroll taxes from rising, maintain low interests rates for student loan borrowers, protect Medicare for seniors, and pass comprehensive jobs legislation – like Democrats’ Make It In America plan – that will help put more Americans back to work. 
July 19, 2012
“Infrastructure is critical to attracting manufacturing businesses and improving U.S. economic competitiveness, which is why I’m pleased that President Obama announced that projects modernizing and expanding five major ports will be expedited.  Upgrading our port and freight infrastructure is a central component of House Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan, with a number of bills aimed at helping manufacturers more easily move their goods to market and revitalizing our aging port and freight facilities. 
July 19, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) announced today that House Democrats have begun using open tools on that enable citizens and organizations to publicly weigh in on specific legislation before Congress. Whip Hoyer issued the following statement:
July 18, 2012
We write to request that the Ways and Means Committee schedule a mark-up of the Republicans’ proposed tax legislation before it is considered by the full House. The looming expiration of current tax policy deserves a full and fair consideration of alternative approaches, with members of both parties allowed to offer amendments. 
July 18, 2012
"Today's attack is a tragic reminder of the threat of terrorism Israelis face at home and abroad.  Those who planned, carried out, and sponsored this attack will surely be identified and face justice for their actions and involvement.
July 18, 2012
“The American people ought to know the full extent to which the budget sequester would be disastrous for our economy and security.  That is why this bill is so important.  The sequester was never intended to take effect – it was an irrational deterrent meant to force both sides to the table and still ought to be viewed as an unacceptable alternative to inaction on the part of Congress. 
July 18, 2012
“The President’s new STEM Master Teachers Corps is a bold initiative aimed at making American students more competitive in today’s job market.  In meetings with manufacturing leaders, I hear the same message:  manufacturers want to bring jobs back, but we are not producing enough workers with the science and math skills necessary.  Recruiting, retaining, and rewarding highly-effective STEM teachers will improve the likelihood that our students will graduate with the skills they need to compete for jobs and pursue postsecondary studies.  I am pleased the President will immediately make resources available through the Teacher Incentive Fund to meet these objectives.  
July 17, 2012
“The final recommendations of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, released this afternoon by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, represent another step forward in the Obama Administration’s drive to boost our manufacturing competitiveness.  While Republicans in Congress continue to delay and obstruct Democratic proposals to invest in manufacturing growth and job creation, the President has continued to pursue other avenues aimed at making it easier for manufacturers to relocate here, innovate, expand, and create well paying, middle-class jobs. 
July 16, 2012
“Today, Republicans voted to block consideration of the DISCLOSE Act, a measure that would provide greater transparency to political financing.  This represents a disappointing setback when it comes to ensuring that all Americans have an equal voice in choosing those who serve us in office.  The DISCLOSE Act would require the disclosure of donations to organizations engaged in campaign activity in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision.  
July 16, 2012
“I’m pleased to announce the start of our third annual Member Online All-Star Competition – an online competition between Members of the Democratic Caucus to gain Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and YouTube subscribers. Social media is critical to having an ongoing dialogue with the public, and over the course of the contest, House Democrats will work to engage with even more constituents and get our message out to millions of Americans. Last year’s competition resulted in over 57,000  new fans, followers, and subscribers, and I know this year will be even more successful.”
July 12, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) discussed House Democrats' Make It In America jobs plan and the Republican vote to take away health care protections for millions of Americans on CNN, MSNBC and FOX. See below for excerpts of the interviews and links to the videos.
July 11, 2012
"Recently, attacks on voters' rights in states across the country have threatened one of our most sacred constitutional rights - the ability for citizens to cast a ballot and make their voice heard.  I am disheartened by these attempts to limit this right, which generations of Americans have fought to secure.
July 11, 2012
“Millions of people are going to lose protections they now have and insurance companies are going to be put back in charge if this were to become law. But Republicans know this isn’t going to become law – it’s not going to pass the Senate and the President’s not going to sign it. So once again we are spending time… doing things for political purposes, not for policy purposes, and not addressing the creation of jobs which is our number one priority.”
July 11, 2012
“The Republican party continues to pursue its message and not substance. This is the 31st time we've voted on repealing the health care bill and it's the 31st time that it will fail. Everybody knows that the President is committed to it – he’s not going to sign that bill if it passes; but they also know the Senate is not going to pass that bill.  It's about politics and not policy. Very frankly, if it passed and if it became law, literally millions of millions of Americans would lose benefits they already have - young people would be kicked off their family's insurance policy; pre-existing conditions would now be used by the insurance company to keep children from getting health care insurance; seniors in the ‘donut hole’ would be again placed in a position where they may not be able to afford prescription drugs they need to keep their life healthy.                                              
July 9, 2012
I commend the President for standing up for middle-class families by calling for Congress to act swiftly in extending the middle-class tax cut.  This is an area where Democrats and Republicans ought to be working together.  Instead, Republicans have held hostage the prospect of continuing a lower tax rate for middle-class families in return for tax cuts for the wealthy.
July 5, 2012
"With the private sector continuing to create jobs for the twenty-eighth consecutive month, our economic recovery continues to push forward.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report released this morning, private businesses added 84,000 jobs in June.  However, this is still fewer jobs than we have recently seen created each month, and it is nowhere near where we need to be if we are to ensure quality, well paying jobs for all Americans who seek them. 
July 5, 2012
“I commend the Obama Administration for continuing to take a strong approach to enforcing trade rules in response to the unfair import duties China placed on American autos. When American products compete on a level playing field, we win – and our workers win. China is not playing by World Trade Organization rules, and today’s announcement is part of a continuing effort by the President and Congressional Democrats to ensure a level playing field for American workers and manufacturers.