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DOL Events Calendar: Event Details

Event Information

Event Name: ePolicyWorks Development Think Tank Webcast: New Strategies for Successful Collaboration
Description: A panel discussion on the use of new and innovative open government strategies for policy development in such key areas as disability employment. Features two panels of experts positioned to highlight successful collaboration techniques and practices. Hosted by Carl Fillichio, DOL’s Senior Advisor for Communications and Public Affairs and Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy, and moderated by Chris Dorobek, journalist, commentator and radio host. Access the webcast at This event will be live audio-captioned and offer a real-time Twitter feed with the hashtag ePolicyWorks. No registration is required.
Date: Sep 13, 2012
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Location: Washington, DC
For More Information: Event Web site
Secretary's Event: No
Agency: ODEP