OSDFS: Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
   Current Section  Archives
Archived Information

Congress recently eliminated several programs administered by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.  Notwithstanding these budget cuts, the programs that remain are critical to our efforts to establish safe, supportive, and healthy schools so that children can learn and reach their full potential.  Moreover, the Department is committed to developing and deepening program and policy expertise in the program offices, especially in high-priority areas.  Therefore, to maximize limited resources, while preserving our program focus, the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and it's programs were moved into a new Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE).  This change was effective on September 26, 2011, and will provide new opportunities for staff from OESE and OSDFS to work together to improve school environments and support children’s learning, health, and well-being. Within the next few weeks, the contents of the new OSHS (formerly OSDFS) webpages was relocated to OESE's homepage and is available at

Grant Program Archive

Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee

The SDFSC Advisory Committee, authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act, was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. The Committee was established to provide advice to the Secretary on Federal, state, and local programs designated to create safe and drug-free schools, and on issues related to crisis planning. As outlined in section 4124(a), the Committee will consult with, and provide advice to, the Secretary for the programs listed in section 4124(b) that are already carried out by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The Advisory Committee focused on three issues: the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants Program, the Unsafe School Choice Option, and requirements for data under No Child Left Behind. The Advisory Commitee is made up of representatives from Federal Agencies and private citizens who have high levels of expertise and experience in the areas of drug, alcohol and violence prevention; safe schools; mental health research and crisis planning.

Publications and Resources

This document is an archival file for historical purposes only. It may contain non-working links. For current publications and resources, see

OSDFS Sponsored Events
  • Partnership to Prevent Trauncy Conference sponsored by U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and the Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will host a national truancy prevention conference Dec. 6-8, 2004, in Washington, D.C.

    The National Network for Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (NNSDFCS) held their semiannual meeting on February 11 &12, 2007 at the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel. Participation in this meeting was voluntary and encouraged by all interested State and Local Education Agencies and State Governors Program Representatives working with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools--State Grant Programs. For detailed information on the NNSDFSC meeting agenda please visit


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Last Modified: 06/27/2012