Leader Cantor Talks Debt Reduction, Blocking Tax Hikes On WRVA Richmond's Morning News

RICHMOND, VA - This morning, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) joined Jimmy Barrett on WRVA Richmond’s Morning News to discuss the House passage of the Budget Control Act of 2011:

Leader Cantor: This Bill Averts Default, Points Us In The Right Direction, Does Not Include Tax Hikes: “This bill, although it was not perfect at all and wouldn’t have been the bill I think many of us wanted, it is a bill that does avert having to go past today which the Secretary of Treasury said would bring us closer to or at default. It does put a down payment down and points us in the right direction, setting up a structure that will impose some type of forced discipline to finally get Washington to stop spending money it doesn’t have. … It is consistent with what we have said all along, to make sure that if we are going to raise the credit limit of the country you have to find the cuts that are equal to or exceed that amount. Hopefully, we will get something done and see a committee that produces the right formula. What I was most concerned about throughout the whole process was making sure we don’t have any job-killing tax increases right now when we have unemployment at 9.2 percent and in most parts of the country it’s unofficially worse than that.”

We Will Continue To Be Focused Like A Laser On Job Growth: “One of the things we will focus on like a laser when Congress goes back to Washington in September is that point. We have to stop Washington from getting in the way of growth in this country. The President and his policies have proved detrimental to small businesses, to the middle class in this country, and to the entrepreneurs. If you think about what has built this country, it is the small business people, it is the manufacturers, it is the people who open stores in all the shopping centers around our area, it is the people who innovate and come up with new technology that helps increase productivity and create jobs. Those are the kind of people who don’t have a lot of confidence right now because frankly they don’t know where Washington is going next.”

Listen To Leader Cantor's Full Interview HERE.


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