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North America Day 2011

NIEM helps facilitate cross-border collaboration and information sharing.

At North America Day 2011 in Mexico City (held ​July 12-13), senior leaders from the United States, Canada, and Mexico met to discuss how international information sharing could be enhanced. Rogelio Carbajal Tejada, the Undersecretary for the Ministry of Public Administration for the federal government of Mexico; Corinne Charette, Canadian CIO; and David McClure, Associate Administrator for GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, signed a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding​ (MOU).

Under the MOU, they agreed to conduct two pilot projects using NIEM, which could serve as prototypes for international information sharing. The first pilot, for Public Health, will focus on sharing information related to public health alerts for food borne illnesses and disease. The second pilot, for Public Safety, will demonstrate exchanges of information at the federal level about stolen vehicles that cross borders.

Two working groups were formed to design and develop these pilots, demonstrating the implementation of critical information exchanges across national borders. The development of NIEM information exchange package documentations (IEPDs) will allow for a more efficient and consistent method of sharing important public health and safety information and is a significant first step in the development of a borderless network of information exchange among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Charters for both working groups have been signed by the NAD Executive Committee, which is composed of Corinne Charette, Canadian CIO; Carlos Viniegra Beltrán, Head of the Digital Government Unit, Mexican Ministry of Public Administration; Dave McClure, Associate Administrator for the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, GSA; Kshemendra Paul, Program Ma​nager for the Information Sharing Environment; and Donna Roy, NIEM Executive Director and DHS CIO’s Information Sharing Executive. In addition, the Public Health charter was signed by John Teeter, Department of Health and Human Services Acting CIO, and Jim Seligman, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CIO.

NIEM Adoption in Europe

Read our case study about the European Pool against Organized Crime (EPOC) IV project here!​​

Check out the video below to see the MOU being signed at North America Day in Mexico City (note: video is in Spanish).​​​

​We look forward to updating you on the progress made!​​

North America Day 2011 MOU Signing (Spanish)

North America Day 2011 MOU Signing (Spanish) ​​​​