Blog topic: Secure Your Computer

Getting iPhony Messages?

Been reading up on Apple’s newly unveiled iPhone 5? So have scammers.

For months leading up to the announcement, scammers have already been finding ways to cash in on iPhone 5 buzz — through phishing emails promising sneak peeks if you just clicked on a link, or phony texts offering a chance to get your hands on one. According to news reports, clicking the links installed malware on your computer, or took you to a phony site asking for your personal information.

New FTC Publication for Mobile App Developers

Are you in the mobile app business? If so, you’re probably considering some important questions, like what to tell users about your app, what information to collect from users, and what to do with any information you collect.

An Internet Knock-off

Thanks to some malware that’s been around since last year, but that the FBI believes is still affecting more than 60,000 computers in the U.S., some people could find out on Monday that they no longer have internet access. If that happens, you’ll need to get help from your service provider to get back online.

To Forward or Not to Forward

That is the question. In fact, it’s one of the most common questions we hear from visitors.

Email etiquette is important – not only for the sake of your personal and professional relationships, but for your computer’s security, too. Here are a few tips to help:

Coordinating Voluntary Efforts to Fight Botnets

Over the past several years, a new threat has emerged on the Internet, increasingly putting consumers at risk. Some industry experts suggest that as many as 1 in 10 computers in the U.S. are part of what is called a botnet.

New Initiative Takes on Botnets

Industry estimates suggest that one in 10 computers in the U.S. is currently part of a botnet, a collection of computers whose security is compromised by malicious software so they can be used by attackers for criminal activity and espionage.

Mac Computers Targeted By New Malware

A series of recent malware attacks have targeted Macs, infecting hundreds of thousands of computers. U.S. CERT recommends that Mac users review the security updates issued by Apple to address these new threats.

Grand Opening: A New Page for Small Business

If you run a small business, you may rely on technology to expand your reach and stay competitive, even if you don’t have a full-time IT staff. wants you to have the information you need to protect your data, your networks, and your IT systems.

FTC Highlights Annual Accomplishments Online

Every year, the FTC Chairman highlights the work the agency has done to protect consumers and promote business competition. This year, for the first time, these highlights are online with interactive, multimedia features.

Social Networking Site Settles FTC Charges

The social networking site RockYou has agreed to settle FTC charges that its security flaws allowed hackers to access the personal information of 32 million users.  The FTC complaint also alleges that the company collected info from more than 100,000 kids in violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). RockYou will pay a $250,000 civil penalty for the alleged COPPA violations.
