eFiling System

The FLRA Case eFiling System currently provides an easy way to electronically file cases with the Authority -- the FLRA's three-Member adjudicatory body -- the Federal Service Impasses Panel, and the Office of the General Counsel.  Using the links below you may also file Complaints with the FLRA's Inspector General electronically. The FLRA intends to expand its eFiling offerings in the coming months to allow parties to electronically file requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  

To get started, identify the type of case that you intend to file with the FLRA and click on the appropriate link below. First-time users of the Case eFiling System will be asked to create an account by registering in the system prior to filing a case. Once your account is approved by the FLRA (normally within one business day), you will receive an email notification and may proceed with filing your case. Please note that a case is not "filed" within the meaning of any regulatory or statutory time limits until all of the relevant case information requested by the system is completed and submitted -- registration in the Case eFiling System alone will not meet any time limits for filing a case.  For filers that have an existing account, the Case eFiling System will allow you to proceed directly to filing your case after logging in.

To file a case using the FLRA's Case eFiling System,click hereFor more information about filing a case using the FLRA's Case eFiling System, including instructions on how to register and create a User Profile, click here.  You can also check out a list of FAQs here

The AuthorityOffice of General CounselFederal Service
Impasses Panel
Freedom of
Information Act
Office of the
Inspector General

To electronically file pleadings any of the four types of cases set forth below with the Authority's Office of Case Intake and Publication (CIP), click here.

(1) pleadings involving an application for review of Decisions and Orders issued by Regional Directors in representation proceedings under Part 2422 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations;

(2) pleadings involving exceptions to decisions of administrative law judges in unfair labor practice proceedings under Part 2423 of the Rules and Regulations;

(3) pleadings involving a petition for review in negotiability proceedings under Part 2424 of the Rules and Regulations;

(4) pleadings involving exceptions to arbitration awards under Part 2425 of the Rules and Regulations.

To file a miscellaneous case requesting of the Authority a general statement of policy or guidance, contact the Authority's CIP.

To electronically file a representation petition under Part 2422 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations or an unfair labor practice (ULP) charge under Part 2423 of the Rules and Regulations with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), click here.

For instructions on how to eFile a ULP charge with the OGC, click here.

For instructions on how to eFile a representation petition with the OGC, click here

For technical assistance with eFiling a ULP charge or a representation petition, you may call the OGC eFiling Help Desk at 855-232-9090.

To electronically file a request seeking consideration of an impasse or approval of a binding arbitration procedure with the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) under the FSIP's Rules and Regulations, click here.

Coming Soon.


For information about filing a complaint with the FLRA's IG regarding systemic fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement within FLRA, please click hereParties are advised that if you want to file an unfair labor practice charge, then you must file a charge with the Office of the General Counsel.