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Electronic health records help deliver top quality care to service members. Photo credit: Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist Maria R. Escamilla

This November we celebrate Military Medical Technologies Month, when we take the time to highlight our achievements in military health information management and information technology, express our gratitude for those individuals who are driving these efforts and discuss our vision for the future.

Advancements in IM/IT come from many sources. The Military Health System Office of the Chief Information Officer and the departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force are creating new, innovative technologies that will benefit today’s service members, tomorrow’s Veterans and even the civilian community.

These innovations often start with a simple idea or inspiration.

For example, the Army’s attempt to document patient care while avoiding duplication and improving quality control resulted in the development of AHLTA-Theater. Collaboration between the Navy and Department of Defense’s Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center resulted in the study of the potential benefits of a Telepharmacy Robotic Medication Dispensing Unit for returning service members suffering from traumatic brain injury or psychological stress. The Air Force’s Center of Excellence for Medical Multimedia is exploring education-based treatment tools, hoping to improve the quality of life for brain-injured patients. And throughout the MHS, the use of electronic health records is increasingly offering new ways for health care providers to collaborate with one another as they provide top-quality care for our service members.

None of these achievements would have been possible were it not for all of the dedicated individuals in the health care community who have devoted their careers to advancing technology so that our service members and their families may live fuller, longer, healthier lives. It is the people, not just the technology, that make all the difference — both today and tomorrow, and we are grateful for their tireless work, intelligence and foresight.

Technology and innovation are necessary to caring for our beneficiaries. This critical mission drives researchers and medical professionals in the MHS to develop and adopt tools that assist health care providers in making informed decisions and improve health care treatments – not only in November, but throughout the year.

Enjoy this issue of Vital Signs!

Mark Goodge
Chief Technology Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Military Health System

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Latest in Military Medical Technology

Every day all over the world, technology improves the way we live. The Internet, solar power, advanced robotics and lasers are just a few advances of the modern era. Medical innovations have included the development of myoelectric prosthetics, screen readers to help the visually impaired, and mobile electronic health records.

The Department of Defense’s Military Health System remains at the forefront of developing and adapting medical devices and technologies to support our service members and their families, ensuring the highest quality care at all times.

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Veterans Deserve Nation’s Best

CJCS Navy Adm. Mike Mullen addresses business executives Nov. 1, 2010. Photo credit: U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley

The nation has not begun to comprehend the long-term consequences of protracted war, the military's top officer recently said.

"The human toll - the fear, the stigma, and the hard work of recovery ahead for our troops and their families - these are the real costs of war," he said.

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke at a Business Executives for National Security dinner in New York honoring David and Mary Boies with the organization's Eisenhower Award.

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2010 Army Ten-Miler

Wounded warrior crosses the finish line Oct. 24, 2010. Photo credit: Alexandra Hemmerly- Brown

More than 50 wounded, visually impaired and amputee athletes signed up for the 2010 Army Ten-Miler Sunday, competing against each other in categories of their own for the first time.

The largest 10-mile road race in the world attracted 30,000 American and international runners, and although participants with injuries have participated in past years, the growing number of wounded servicemembers interested in the race spurred the creation of their own division.

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Downrange Psychological Health Care

Mental health services are now available at forward operating bases.

Following a firefight, an explosion, or other traumatic event, service members serving on the front lines of Afghanistan can speak with far forward-placed mental health professionals to acquire coping techniques to manage stress without ever having to leave the combat theater.

DoD has been placing teams of mental health professionals in forward operating bases to serve as mental health resources for leaders and service members while they are deployed in the field.

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USU at Marine Corps Marathon

USU team members at the 35th Annual Marine Corps Marathon.

The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences participated on a number of levels in the 35th Annual Marine Corps Marathon. From medical care providers, to volunteers to participants, USU was well represented in what has been called “The People’s Marathon.” But one group of second-year medical students decided that their participation in the marathon meant more than challenging themselves to reach new milestones or supporting an exceptional event.

According to Army 2nd Lt. Andrew Oh, "We wanted to find a way to do something medically- and mission-relevant to demonstrate our support for injured service members, those who we will be taking care of in the near future, but we wanted to help them in a different way."

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EMEDS Delivers Fast Help When Disaster Strikes

Military medical personnel support humanitarian missions. Photo credit: Army Spc. Michael Alberts - 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs

Around the world, when disaster strikes U.S. military medical personnel often the form the tip of the spear when it comes to saving lives. In 2010 alone U.S. military medical teams responded to devastating earthquakes in both Haiti and Chile.

An important part of the military’s medical relief strategy is the use of high-tech Expeditionary Medical Support systems.

Air Force Lt. Col. Christopher Morgan served as the deputy commander for the Air Force Health Response Team mission in Chile earlier this year. He said that after an 8.8 magnitude earthquake erupted in February, his team was ready to go even before all diplomatic arrangements could be finalized. This was due, in part, to EMEDS.

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Saluting Medical Medal of Honorees

This month, as the country pauses to remember its heroes on Veteran’s Day, the Military Health System honors those warrior-healers who acted above and beyond the call of duty to care for their fellow troops and to ensure the freedom of all Americans.

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Research Roundup: Regenerating Damaged Tissue

New technologies are needed to advance the clinical rehabilitation of severely injured service members. And, advanced ways to heal the injured appear to be on the horizon thanks to research grants allocated by the Defense Medical Research and Development Program (DMRDP) – and by many other institutions, like the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM).

Research efforts under investigation could reduce a need for some surgeries, and could even produce better results than any surgery currently offers. Efforts in regenerative medicine namely provide hope for restoring the structure and use of damaged tissues and organs, and for possibly curing previously untreatable injuries and diseases.

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Did you Know: TRICARE Offers Flu Shot Options

TRICARE For Life (TFL) beneficiaries have a wealth of options when it comes to staying protected during the fall and winter flu season.

Influenza vaccines are covered by Medicare at no cost to TFL beneficiaries as long as they are administered by a Medicare provider who agrees to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment.

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The Military Health System (MHS) is a unique partnership of medical educators, medical researchers, and health care providers and their support personnel worldwide. The MHS is prepared to respond anytime, anywhere with comprehensive medical capability to military operations, natural disasters and humanitarian crises around the globe, and to ensure delivery of world-class health care to all DoD service members, retirees, and their families.

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