Historic Preservation and Environmental Protection

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)

ACHP is an independent federal agency established in 1966 by the National Historic Preservation Act(NHPA) to advise the President on the protection of historic properties. It administers NHPA’s Section 106 review process, which requires federal agencies to consult with State Historic Preservation Offices(SHPO), the public, and interested groups to ensure that federal agencies take into account the effect of their actions on historic resources.

ACHP also participates in the consulting process for major historic preservation projects across the country, including the memorials on the National Mall and many landmarks within the National Capital Region.

Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB)

The HPRB’s nine members are appointed by the Mayor of the District of Columbia. The HPRB is staffed by the Historic Preservation Office, a department within the DC Office of Planning that serves as the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the District of Columbia.

The HPRB administers the DC Historic Preservation Act, which is the local ordinance for designating landmarks and protecting historic properties. It also advises the SHPO on federal historic preservation (Section 106) matters.

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

CEQ was established by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969 within the Executive Office of the President. It advises the President on environmental policy and ensures that federal agencies meet their NEPA obligations.