
September 25, 2012Press Item
“For two years, House Democrats have put forward our Make It In America plan to create jobs by strengthening American manufacturing and making investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure that will help our businesses compete and succeed.  Today’s announcement by the Departments of Commerce and Labor of the new ‘Make it in America Challenge’ is exactly the type of investment House Democrats have called for.  Many American businesses want to keep jobs here at home while staying competitive in the global economy.  The $40 million in competitive grants made available by the ‘Make It In America Challenge’ will help increase the trend of insourcing - U.S. companies bringing back jobs and investing here in the U.S. These grants will also assist businesses looking to expand and train American workers for jobs on our shores.  
September 24, 2012Press Item
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer today sent a letter to the House Democratic Caucus urging Democratic Members to highlight the past 20 months of the Republican Majority’s record of missed opportunities and obstruction in addressing the nation’s central challenges.
September 21, 2012Press Item
“Our Republican colleagues are leaving without getting their work done. I say their work done. Without getting our work done. The work of the American people. Comprehensive jobs bills, middle-class tax cuts have not been extended, farmers are left on their own to face the worst drought in decades, … and a Farm bill reported out of the Republican committee lays unconsidered by this Floor. Reported out of their committee from their majority and they haven't brought it to the Floor while farmers remain in trouble. We've not re-authorized the Violence Against Women Act, and we have not passed a postal reform bill. I am glad to take this special order, Mr. Speaker, to say to the American people that we're prepared to stay. we're prepared to stay and work on these bills.”
September 21, 2012Press Item
"What we are seeing this week is a convulsing end to a dismal Congress. Two distinguished political scientists [Tom Mann and Norman Ornstein] in our country said this: 'The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.'
September 21, 2012Press Item
“This bill is just another example of Republicans’ agenda of distraction from issues that matter to Americans.  Their partisan legislation would have terrible effects on the air our children breathe and the water they drink, and it won’t help us meet the challenge of creating jobs for our middle class or provide us with greater energy security.  Moreover, the House of Representatives has already voted on every title of this bill and sent legislation to the Senate that comprises its core provisions.  There is no reason why we should be spending our time voting on these issues again.
September 20, 2012Press Item
“Mr. Speaker, in order to compete in today’s global economy, we need to attract the best and brightest math and science students from around the world. 
September 20, 2012Press Item
“This legislation exemplifies this Do-Nothing Republican Congress.  Once again, Republicans are choosing to focus on a political messaging bill over serious issues like jobs, middle-class tax cuts, or a farm bill.  Instead, the House is wasting time on a Republican bill that misrepresents the facts in an attempt to score political points.
September 20, 2012Press Item
With Congress set to go home this week to focus on the upcoming election, Republicans in control of the House are leaving behind a long list of unfinished business. After two years in charge, House Republicans have not taken action on comprehensive jobs legislation to get Americans back to work, they have not prevented a tax increase on middle-class families, they have not worked to enact a big and balanced plan to reduce the deficit and turn off the sequester, and they have not passed major legislation, including a farm bill, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, or postal reform. Having racked up a dismal record as the “Do Nothing Republican Congress,” their failure even to try addressing the serious challenges we face as a nation has been strikingly disappointing.
September 19, 2012Press Item
“I join in marking the one-year anniversary of the end of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ and the beginning of a new era of strength through inclusion for our military.  I was proud to help lead the successful repeal effort that finally ended that discriminatory policy.  Doing so opened doors for LGBT Americans wishing to join our armed forces and ended the fearful prospect of discharge for those who were already serving.
September 19, 2012Press Item
“The resolution passed by the House today honors the memory of the Americans who died in last week’s attack in Benghazi and reaffirms our bipartisan commitment to the dedicated civilians who serve America overseas.  It also demonstrates our continued support for Libya’s ongoing democratic transition.
September 19, 2012Press Item
“I was incredibly proud to witness today’s presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal – our nation’s highest civilian honor – to Burmese human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.  For a quarter century, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has served as a guiding light for those who yearn for democracy in Burma, and indeed for all who espouse the principles of human rights and non-violence around the world.  In the face of enduring hardships, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has demonstrated a strength of character and perseverance that is helping to inspire a new period of hope for greater political freedom in Burma.”
September 19, 2012Press Item
Before Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, they announced their “Pledge to America” with claims that they would focus on priorities important to the American people, such as creating jobs, restoring economic certainty, and reducing the deficit. Two years later, Republicans’ record shows that they abandoned their pledge, and instead have consistently chosen to focus on partisan political issues rather than policies to restore our economy or create jobs. Now House Republicans are adjourning until after the election, and Republican leaders are concluding their legislative agenda the same way they started it: choosing obstruction and political messaging over working together to enact policies that help Americans.
September 18, 2012Press Item
Wanted to make sure you saw today's op-ed by Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) and Ranking Member of the House Administration Committee Robert Brady (PA) in the Huffington Post about the importance of the Election Assistance Commission.  To read the op-ed, click here or see below:
September 17, 2012Press Item
“Today’s action is yet another step taken by the Obama Administration to hold China accountable for their unfair and illegal trade practices. When competing on a level playing field, American workers, businesses, and manufacturers can out-compete anyone. But by providing illegal export subsidies to their auto and auto-parts industries, China is tilting the playing field in their favor and putting other nations, including the U.S., at a distinct disadvantage.