Briefing on Unarmed Civilian peacekeeping

Short Description: 

Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) and Peace Brigades International (PBI), two of the leaders in unarmed civilian protection, present how peacekeeping works without guns, what lessons are being learned, and how this practice can now be brought to scale.

  • Length: 84:43 minutes (33.94 MB)
  • Format: Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (CBR)


  • Jit Man Basnet
    Lawyers’ Forum for Human Rights, Nepal
  • Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh 
    Executive Director, Peace Brigades International-USA
  • Atif Hameed
    Nonviolence Peaceforce, Philippines
  • Tiffany Easthom
    Nonviolence Peaceforce, Republic of South Sudan
  • Tim Wallis
    Executive Director, Nonviolent Peaceforce
  • David Smock, Moderator
    United States Institute of Peace

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