Leader Cantor: The Best Path Out Of Poverty Is A Job

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) released the following statement on House passage of H.J. Res. 118. This resolution would overturn President Obama’s efforts to waive work requirements in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program:

“Today, the House acted to prevent President Obama from eliminating successful, bipartisan work requirements in the TANF program. These overwhelmingly popular requirements have had a demonstrated track record of success in increasing workforce participation and reducing child poverty. They are designed to create more opportunity by engaging states to work with recipients to ensure that they find jobs and regain self-sufficiency. There must be a government safety-net for those who need it, but our focus must be on creating an environment where there are more jobs and fewer who need assistance. The best path out of poverty is a job.

“Under President Obama, welfare has been expanded as a goal in itself rather than as a strategy to increase opportunity and achieve the American dream of full participation in our free enterprise system. When the President says he has no intention of allowing states to ignore the work requirements, we need only look at his record. President Obama previously waived work requirements in the food stamp program, and according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, the number of able-bodied Americans receiving food stamps more than doubled. Dropping work requirements may make administering welfare programs like TANF and food stamps easier for bureaucrats, but only hurts those low income families who are relegated to a state of dependency. That’s why the House has acted and I thank Chairman Dave Camp for sponsoring this important measure.”

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