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Fleet and Family Support Program

Sailor greeted by family during homecoming

Fleet and Family Support Programs (FFSP) support individual and family readiness through a full array of programs and resources which help Navy families to be resilient, well-informed and adaptable to the Navy environment. Programs include:

  • deployment support for Sailors and their families
  • personal and family wellness education and counseling
  • emergency preparedness and response
  • crisis intervention and response 
  • military and personal career development
  • financial education and counseling
  • spouse employment

Programs and services are currently delivered from 81 sites worldwide, with 58 of those sites delivering a full portfolio of programs and services. Find your local Fleet and Family Support Center.

Navy FFSP is organized into three sub-functional areas:  Deployment Readiness, Career Support and Retention and Crisis Response.  Across all three sub-functions, services include information and referral, individual clinical and non-clinical consultation and educational classes and workshops.

Military Families in Transition

Military Families in Transition MFIT logo

Military families and service members learn how to begin a smooth transition into civilian life.

Family Readiness Groups

Family Readiness Group family photo

The Family Readiness Groups Toolkit provides the nuts and bolts needed to establish, run and maintain a successful FRG.

Military Spouse Employment

Military Spouse Employment Partnership logo

Military spouses seeking employment in portable career fields can connect with participating employers.

Family Connection Newsletter

Family Connection Newsletter

Information and resources to support families during the deployment cycle.


NFAAS logo

NFAAS is used during times of crisis to account, manage and monitor the recovery of personnel and their families.

Individual Augmentees

IA Landing Pic - 183 x 85

View our Fleet-wide list of classes, support groups and events specifically for individual augmentees (IAs)...

FFSP on Facebook

FFSP Facebook Logo 183x85

Join us on Facebook for the latest Fleet and Family news and information. Be part of the conversation.

Transition Assistance

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Provides skills, tools and self-confidence to ensure successful re-entry into the civilian work force.

Contact Your Ombudsman

Ombudsman lighthouse photo

If you need assistance, click on the photo to send a message to your command ombudsman.

Private Help 24/7, Global

Military One Source Landing Pic - 183 x 85

This is a 24/7 and global resource for all military members, spouses and families.

Command Leadership Toolkit

CLT Landing Pic - 183 x 85

The Command Leadership Toolkit is designed to provide command leadership with Navy Family Ombudsman Program...