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You are here: Home / About NAL / Policies and Guidelines / User Fee Policy
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Requesting Library Materials

Fees for USDA Document Delivery

USDA employees are charged a flat fee for each item requested.

Fees for Non-USDA Interlibrary Loan




Loan or Copy Requests

$25 per request

$18 per request


Interlibrary Loan Fee Exemptions

The following groups are exempt from fees for requesting library materials:
  • United States federal agencies (other than USDA)
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities (1890s institutions)
  • 1994 Land Grant Tribal Colleges
  • Chesapeake Information and Research Library Alliance member libraries (CIRLA)
  • Agricultural Libraries Network (AGLINET) member libraries are not charged for copies of materials published in the United States. Member libraries will be charged the standard fees for copies of materials published outside the United States.

Interlibrary Loan Billing

Invoices for NAL interlibrary loan are issued quarterly by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). The invoiced fee rate is $25 per request. All payments are payable to the National Technical Information Service. NAL cannot accept prepayment. Do not send payment until you receive an invoice.

Payments must be drawn on a U.S. bank payable in U.S. dollars. NTIS accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You are encouraged to set up a deposit account or arrange for credit card billing through NTIS. If you currently have an account set up with NTIS, you may use it to pay for your NAL services.

For information about payment options or setting up a deposit account please contact NTIS:
5301 Shawnee Road
Alexandria, VA 22312
1-888-584-8332 or 703-605-6050

IFM Payment for Interlibrary Loan

Libraries submitting requests through the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) may choose to pay fees through OCLC's Interlibrary Loan Fee Management Service (IFM) rather than being billed. IFM transactions receive a discounted fee rate of $18 per request because electronic payment through IFM eliminates administrative billing costs.

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Research Assistance

The National Agricultural Library (NAL) began a policy of charging for extended information and research services effective January 1, 1987.

The policy establishing User Fees was published in the Federal Register, vol. 49, no. 179, September 13, 1984, page 35929.

In accordance with this policy, most categories of users, with the exception of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) personnel, are billed for information support services in excess of the threshold level. Threshold level service is defined as one-half hour of staff time or $25.00 in computer usage costs.

User Categories

Reference services are provided to users, subject to staff availability, as follows:

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture staff are provided with a broader range of reference services without charge.

  • U.S. state and local agencies, including state experiment stations and extension services, U.S. individuals, including college and university students and faculty who have made full use of their local, state, and/or university resources can receive services up to the threshold level without charge. Services beyond the threshold level are provided for a fee.

  • U.S. high school, junior high and middle school students who have made full use of their local, state and/or university resources can receive services up to the threshold level without charge if the request is accompanied by a written or e-mailed request (with a contact telephone number) from the instructor/teacher. Services beyond the threshold level are provided for a fee.

  • All organizations, societies, institutions, and businesses including contractors, both foreign and domestic, are provided services up to the threshold level without charge. Services beyond the threshold level are provided for a fee.

  • Libraries and individuals in other countries are provided service up to the threshold level without charge. Services beyond the threshold level are provided for a fee.

Fee Structure

Reference Services beyond threshold level:

  • Professional time - $11.00 per hour or portion thereof

  • Support time - $5.50 per hour or portion thereof

  • Computer time -- Varies according to the database(s) searched, time spent online, and the number of references printed. Charges are for telecommunications linkages, direct online costs and for the offline prints, if any.

  • Processing fee -- $10.00 per request--this is in addition to the above charges.

Billing and collection are done by the National Technical Information Service, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22312, on a quarterly basis. No money should be sent until a bill is received. For further information contact, Leader, Reading Room Services Team, 1st Floor, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351 (301) 504-5755.

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Last Modified: Jan 25, 2012
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