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Electron Microscopy Laboratory, MST-6


 The Electron Microscopy Laboratory’s Capabilities

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory’s Capabilities

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EML) is part of MST-6, the Materials Technology - Metallurgy Group within the Materials Science and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. It is a facility dedicated to the characterization of materials primarily through imaging, chemical, and crystallographic analyses of material microstructures with several electron and ion beam instruments. Accessory characterization techniques and equipment include energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDS), wavelength dispersive x-ray analysis (WDS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and orientation imaging microscopy (OIM), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).

The EML is housed primarily in the Materials Science Laboratory (TA-03, SM-1698) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The laboratory has three transmission electron microscopes (TEMs); one instrument for conventional TEM work that is equipped with an EDS unit; one instrument dedicated to high resolution work, and one analytical TEM with scanning capabilities, along with EDS and EELS imaging and analysis. There are also two scanning electron microscopes (SEMs); one instrument is equipped with an EBSD detector for crystallography and texture measurements, and the other instrument has an EDS unit. In addition, specimen preparation equipment, optical microscopes, a digital imaging and analysis work area, and a photographic darkroom are available. An environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and a focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM), both equipped with EDS and EBSD detectors, are located in the Sigma Building (TA-03, SM 66), along with an electron microprobe for WDS.

The EML staff maintains and operates the instruments within the facility for the use of the staff and a user group which includes other Los Alamos National Laboratory staff members, postdoctoral associates, technicians, graduate students, and visiting researchers. The EML staff also provides advise on appropriate sample preparation and instrument selection for given research needs, and training and supervision on the various instruments. EML staff and Characterization Team members may also contracted to conduct research for others.

 The Electron Microscopy Laboratory’s Capabilities



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