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Antenna Parameter Measurement by Near-Field Techniques Short Course


Transfer near-field technology to industry and other agencies.


 Tuesday, September 18th
  • Intro. to Antenna and Microwave Measurements
  • Intro. to Planar Near-Field Theory
  • Polarization Measurements
  • Probe Characterization

Wednesday, September 19th

  • Planar Near-Field Theory
  • Planar Near-Field Measurements I & II
  • Cylindrical Near-Field Theory
  • Lab Tour

Thursday, September 20th

  • Spherical Near-Field Theory
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Spherical and Cylindrical Near-Field Measurements
  • Wrap-up and Discussion

Security Instructions:


Boulder Labs Security

The conference registration site offers instruction on how to gain access to NIST for the conference.
If you are a non U.S. citizen, you must submit additional information to notify the security personnel of your visit. This web link, NIST-1260, will direct you to the proper form. Please complete the top portion of the form listed below and fax directly to Teresa Vicente at 301-948-2067.  Please do not submit your form by email.
This information is required by NIST's parent agency, the Department of Commerce. The information must be provided no later than one week prior to the start of the meeting, or access to the site may be denied.
For questions regarding this security policy, please contact Michael Chandler at mchandler@doc.gov; phone: 301-975-3305.  



September 18th:

  • Carl Stubenrauch (Intro. to Antenna and Microwave Measurements)
  • Allen Newell (Intro. to Planar Near-Field Theory; Polarization Measurements)
  • Michael Francis (Probe Characterization)

September 19th:

  • Ron Wittmann (Planar Near-Field Theory)
  • Jeffrey Guerrieri (Planar Near-Field Measurements I)
  • Michael Francis (Planar Near-Field Measurements II)
  • Carl Stubenrauch (Cylindrical Near-Field Theory)
  • Lab Tour

September 20th

  • Ron Wittmann (Spherical Near-Field Theory)
  • Michael Francis (Uncertainty Analysis)
  • Carl Stubenrauch (Spherical and Cylindrical Near-Field Measurements)
  • Discussion


Start Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
End Date: Thursday, September 20, 2012
Location: NIST Boulder
Audience: Industry, Academia, Other
Format: Workshop


(URL is case sensitive)

Fax registration
along with proof of payment to: 301-975-8943

Mail registration form
along with registration fee to:
NIST Finance Division
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1624
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1624 USA

Course Check-in
Tuesday, September 16, 2012; 8:00-8:30am

Course Registration Fee
$1500 (fee includes lecture materials and refreshments)

Non U.S. Citizens: September 4, 2012
U.S. Citizens: September 12, 2012

Cancellation and Refund Requests
must be received in writing by August 18, 2012

Additional visitor information is located at: www.boulder.nist.gov/visitor-info.htm  

Registration Contact:

James Burrus
Public Information and Outreach Coordinator; and Audiovisual and Conference Services Group Leader
325 Broadway, MC107.02
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Phone: 303-497-4789
Fax: 303-497-6235
Cell: 720-982-6222


Best Western Boulder Inn
770 28th Street, Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 303-449-3800 or 800-233-8469
Fax: 303-402-9118
Rate: $92 + 10.25% tax, single/double
Includes hotel's deluxe continental breakfast and free wireless internet
Online reservations may be made at:
Please mention NIST ANTENNA for group rate

Additional hotels:

Technical Contact:

Michael H. Francis
RF Fields Group
NIST, Radio-Frequency Technology Division
325 Broadway, Mailstop 818.02
Boulder, CO 80305
Phone: 303-497-5873
Fax: 303-497-6665