Training Contacts

The Authority, the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), and the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) all offer training on rights and obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, relevant case law, and regulatory filing requirements.  The Collaboration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Office (CADRO) develops and delivers training involving alternative dispute resolution and interest-based problem solving skills, as well as facilitation techniques.

For more information about the training programs offered by the Authority on the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and the FLRA's Regulations and case processing procedures, please contact Sarah Whittle Spooner at 202-218-7791 or

For more information about the CADR program or for assistance or training requests, contact the CADR Office at or 202-218-7933.

For more information about the training programs offered by the FSIP, contact Joseph Schimansky at 202-218-7790 or

For more information about training programs concerning matters arising before the OGC, contact Ameeran Ali at 202-218-7910 or or contact the Regional Office for your area.  In addition, check the OGC's Training Programs page and Statutory Training page where scheduled training programs are posted as well as links to the OGC's training materials.