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Tres Rios Field Office

The Tres Rios Field Office (TRFO) is responsible for the management and stewardship of more than 664,000 acres of public land in southwestern Colorado.  TRFO also administers more than 300,000 acres of federal mineral estate underlying private lands (known as split estate) and has trust responsibility for mineral management on 800,000 acres of Tribal lands.

Public lands in the TRFO are incredibly diverse and rich in natural and cultural resources. From the spectacular Rocky Mountain scenery of the Alpine Triangle to the wealth of Ancestral Puebloan sites in the Four Corners area, Tres Rios lands and resources are truly a national treasure.

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Tres Rios Field Office


The San Juan Public Lands Center received more than 18,000 public comments on the Draft Land Management Plan (DLMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that was published in December 2007.   The 120-day formal comment period closed on April 11, 2008.  During the comment period significant, new information surfaced regarding the potential for oil and gas development.  After reviewing the information, the San Juan Public Lands Center determined that it was necessary to publish a Supplement to the DEIS.  The Supplement will include and analyze the consequences of the new development projections for oil and gas leasing and include a more rigorous air-quality modeling study, as requested by the Environmental Protection Agency.  Link to the Plan Revision Webpage.

Comment on February 2013 Oil and Gas Lease Sale Preliminary EA through September 17



NEPA Register & Documents

 Dolores River Canyon


Wild Horses

Lands and Realty


Spring Creek Basin Wild Horse Herd 2011 Gather  

The Bureau of Land Management issued the final environmental assessment and decision record for its gather plan for the wild horse population in the Spring Creek Basin Herd Management Area southwest of Norwood, Colo.   The environmental assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, and Decision Record are posted on the Spring Creek Basin Wild Horse Herd web page at:

The Herd Management Area (HMA), which is a 21,932 acre area managed for a healthy wild horse herd that is in balance with other resources and uses.  The current estimated population of wild horses in the HMA at the beginning of the gather was about 90.  This number is based on ground survey completed in May 2011 by volunteers with the Four Corners Backcountry Horsemen and includes the 2011 foal crop. 

The gather was  completed from September 15-17th 2011 with the removal of 53 horses from the HMA.  An adoption of horses was held on September 24, 2011 at the Montezuma County fairgrounds. 

The appropriate management level identified for the population in this HMA is between 35 to 65 wild horses.  Up to 10 of the captured adult horses will be released to maintain herd population within the established appropriate management level.  The application of the contraceptive porcine zona pellucida will be administered to mares released back into the HMA.

A summary of the 2011 gather is available on the 2011 Gather Website

Anasazi Heritage Center/Canyons of the Ancients National Monument

A unique part of the San Juan Field Office is the Anasazi Heritage Center located just west of Dolores.  The Heritage Center is a museum of the Ancestral Puebloan (or Anasazi) culture and other cultures in the Four Corners region, in addition to serving as the headquarters for Canyons of the Ancients National Monument.

The museum features permanent exhibits, archaeological sites to visit, new and different special exhibits and events, traveling exhibits for loan, educational resources for teachers and a large research collection from the Dolores Archaeological Program and other archaeological projects.

General Information Links

Tres Rios Field Office
29211 Hwy. 184
Dolores, Colorado 81323
Phone: 970-882-7296
FAX 970-882-6841
Connie Clementson, Field Manager