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Whether your son or daughter has come to you with a decision to join, or you are researching ways for him or her to succeed as an adult, you'll find lots of good reasons to become a member of the Air Guard. The Air Guard is a great place to start a rewarding career. Serving part-time, your son or daughter will get the expert knowledge and technical experience that looks great on a resume and will transfer easily into a civilian career. Whether they are planning to pursue a college degree or be a part of the civilian workforce, the Air Guard allows them to serve at a unit close to home, in a way that fits into their life. That's the meaning of Part-time Blue, Full-time You. Más información .



Why Air Guard?

The Air Guard offers training, career skills, and competitive benefits for your son or daughter.
Why Air Guard?
Why Air Guard?
The Air Guard offers a part-time position that can make a big difference in your son's or daughter's life. First, we provide state-of-the-art training in a wide range of high-tech positions. The result is real-world career skills that employers are looking for -- the kinds of skills that can make all the difference in today's competitive job market. The Air Guard can also help with college tuition. And since the Air Guard lets members serve part-time at a unit close to home, your son or daughter can also pursue a civilian career in their chosen field. Members may be eligible for the Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits, such as a monthly stipend to offset the cost of attending college full time, the student loan repayment program, and an enlistment bonus. The Air Guard also offers many federal benefits to unit members and their families, such as the Base Exchange, Commissary, use of Morale Welfare And Recreation facilities, life insurance at reduced rates, and low-cost health and dental insurance. In addition to the federal benefits listed above, each state may offer additional benefits for their members.

Where will my child work?

Where Will My Child Work?

As an Air Guard member, your child will be able to serve at a unit close to home.
Where Will My Child Work?
Where Will My Child Work?
One of the primary benefits of joining the Air Guard is that your child can serve at a unit close to home, making them even more involved in the community they are already invested in. After the initial training, Air Guard members serve one weekend a month and two weeks a year at a unit near their home, and have the opportunity to pursue a full-time career or go to college full-time.

Entrance requirements

Entrance Requirements

New Air Guard members must be between the ages of 17 and 40, and are required to pass the ASVAB test.
Entrance Requirements
Entrance Requirements
Those interested in joining the Air Guard who have never served before must be between the ages of 17 and 40. Your child will be required to pass a written examination called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) as well as an Entrance Physical Examination. Using the results from the ASVAB test and physical, the local recruiter reviews positions available within the local unit to match your child with some areas of interest. Once a job is selected your child will then be scheduled to enlist and actually join the Air Guard. Everything prior to swearing in is just preliminary processing and does not obligate your child to join.

Will they be deployed?
Entrance requirements

Will They Be Deployed?

Deployment is always a possibility, however every effort is made to use volunteers first.
Will They Be Deployed?
Will They Be Deployed?
There is always the possibility of being tasked for deployment. When trouble strikes your state, your Governor may call up the Air Guard to do a number of things, including but not limited to performing air rescue or medical response missions, or assisting the local authorities during a natural disaster. Likewise, the President may call up the Air Guard to support our country's homeland defense mission. Every effort is made to use volunteers first, and in some cases your child may be tasked to deploy when volunteers are not available to meet the mission’s requirements.

Will they be deployed?
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Every individual has a unique combination of abilities, experience and interests. This is where you tell us about yours, so the Air Guard can match you up with the career that's right for you.
Classes taken in high school or college (Click all that apply):
Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Scores (required):