Navy POD Notes

Fireplace Safety Tip
Minimize creosote buildup, which causes chimney fires. Creosote is the black tarry or flaky substance formed in chimneys during the wood-burning process. While firewood leaves flammable creosote and carbon deposits on chimney walls, tests show fire logs leave significantly less creosote accumulation than wood.
This Day in Naval History - Sept. 30
1800 - United States concludes Treaty of Peace with France, ending Quasi War with France.
1944 - USS Nautilus (SS 168) lands supplies and evacuates people from Panay, Philipppine Islands.
1946 - U.S. government announces Navy units would be permanently stationed in the Mediterranean to carry out American policy and diplomacy.
1954 - Commissioning at Groton, Conn., of USS Nautilus (SSN 571), the world's first nuclear-powered ship.
1958 - Marines leave Lebanon.
1959 - Last flight of airships assigned to the Naval Air Reserve at Lakehurst, N.J., takes place.
1968 - USS New Jersey (BB 62) arrives off Vietnam.

Danger of Speeding
Private motor vehicle mishaps kill too many Sailors and Marines. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 38 percent of male drivers age 15 to 20 involved in fatal crashes were speeding. Think before you drive and make the right decisions. If not for yourself, do it for your family or loved ones.
This Day in Naval History - Oct. 01
1800 - U.S. schooner Experiment captures French schooner Diana.
1844 - The Naval Observatory, headed by Lt. Matthew Fontaine Maury, occupies its first permanent quarters.
1874 - Supply Corps purser Lt. J.Q. Barton is given leave to enter service of new Japanese Navy to organize a pay department and instruct Japanese about accounts. He served until Oct. 1, 1877, when he again became a purser in the U.S. Navy.
1880 - John Phillip Sousa becomes leader of Marine Corps Band.
1928 - The first class at school for enlisted Navy and Marine Corps radio intercept operators (The "On the Roof Gang") is held.
1937 - Patrol aviation is transferred to Aircraft Scouting Force, a re-established type command. With the change, five patrol wings were established as a separate administrative command over their squadrons.
1946 - Truculent Turtle lands at Columbus, Ohio, breaking the world's record for distance without refueling during flight of 11,235 miles.
1949 - Military Sea Transportation Service is activated.
1955 - USS Forrestal (CVA 59), the first of post-war super carriers, is commissioned.
1979 - President Jimmy Carter awards the Congressional Space Medal of Honor to Neil Armstrong, retired Navy Capt. Charles Conrad Jr., retired Marine Col. John Glenn and retired Rear Adm. Alan Shepard Jr.
1980 - USS Cochrane (DDG 21) rescues 104 Vietnamese refugees 620 miles east of Saigon.
1990 - USS Independence (CV 62) enters Persian Gulf (first carrier in Persian Gulf since 1974).

Learn to Lift
To avoid hurting your back, use a ladder when you're lifting something over your head.
This Day in Naval History - Oct. 02
1799 - Washington Navy Yard is established.
1842 - The sloop, Concord, wrecks with the loss of three lives in the Mozambique Channel.
1939 - Foreign ministers of Western Hemisphere countries agree to establish a neutrality zone around the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North and South America to be enforced by the U.S. Navy. The zone is established at a Congress of American States meeting in Panama.
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