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Army Soldier Records Branch Article

Updating Board Documents

Update and Corrections of Board Documents

Contact your Records Manager (RM) for adds, updates, corrections, and deletes to your OMPF.  Record Managers are defined as Military Personnel Divisions (MPDs), S1 Personnel, Human Resource Personnel, Unit Administrators, or any other individual authorized to service the OMPF regardless of component.  The updates will be processed into iPERMS within three business days during the board window.

The Performance Folder in iPERMS contains the documents that update your Board File which is maintained by the DA Secretariat. You will not see the updates in My Board File until the DA Secretariat Board Team refreshes the Board file. The DA Secretariat refreshes the file periodically up to the Board convene date.

OERs, NCOERs, or DA Form 1059s

To add OERS, NCOERs, or DA Form 1059s, in iPERMS, submit to HRC via AKO Forms which requires digital signatures and a recent version form.

Sending evaluations by email is only for deployed units or rating officials and should only be used if AKO Forms is not available

All non-deployed units or rating officials without digital signatures must mail printed evals to: CDR, USA HRC, ATTN: AHRC-PDV-ER, 1600 Spearhead Division Ave, Dept# 470, Ft Knox, KY  40122. 

For Deployed units Only adding or correcting OERs, NCOERs, or DA Form 1059s send to: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.tagd-eval-from-deployed@mail.mil.

To correct any discrepancies on OERs, NCOERs, or DA 1059s, contact: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.tagd-eval-appeals@mail.mil.

Department of the Army (DA) Photos

DA Photos are maintained in the Department of the Army Photo Management Information System (DAPMIS).  You cannot view your photo in DAPMIS. Your photo can be viewed in iPERMS.

Derogatory Information in the Performance Folder

AR 600-37, Unfavorable Information, Chapter 7, outlines the provisions to allow a Soldier to request derogatory documents be transferred from the Performance folder to the Restricted folder within the OMPF. The document must have been filed for at least one year before a Soldier can request its transfer.

To request derogatory information be removed from a Soldier's OMPF, the Soldier must submit a request to:

Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)
Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board
Second Floor
1901 South Bell St
Arlington, VA 22202-4508

For additional information, the Army Review Boards Agency website is located at http://arba.army.pentagon.mil/index.cfm.

iPERMS Contacts

iPERMS Board Support (within 30 days of the Board)
502-613-8995 or DSN 983-8995

iPERMS Support (Non Board Inquires)
502-613-9990 or DSN 983-9990