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The Selective Service System has three regions nationwide to handle Agency business in their respective area. Each region headquarters is headed by a region director and has a small full-time staff of nine employees. Geographic boundaries and locations of the headquarters are shown on the following map.


Six regions were established in 1981, after the Selective Service System was revitalized. In August 1994, they were consolidated to form the three regions shown on the above map. The region headquarters are responsible for keeping the local boards within their jurisdictions at full strength. In addition, they coordinate training of all board members. Selective Service has more than 2,000 local and appeal boards, comprised of approximately 11,000 volunteer civilian board members nationwide. In the event of a draft, local and appeal boards would be mobilized to form the "backbone" of Selective Service. Board members would decide draft deferments, postponements, and exemptions based upon claims filed by the young men who are selected for induction.

The regions also administer and conduct the training of hundreds of Reserve Force Officers (RFOs) assigned to Selective Service in their regions. The Selective Service System has about 150 National Guard and Reserve officers authorized. They are members of every branch of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces, with the exception of the Air National Guard. RFOs perform 48 drills and two weeks of annual training per year. This part-time cadre of military officers is paid by the respective military service component; however, the individual services are reimbursed for most costs incurred, including RFO travel, pay, and benefit expenses. The reservists’ jobs are to train and be ready in the case of a return to the draft, to assist in improving on-time registration of young men in America’s communities, and to conduct training for board members. In the event of a draft, RFOs would open and staff more than 400 Selective Service area offices, be assigned to state headquarters, and serve as liaison officers at Military Entrance Processing Stations. RFO assignments and activities are controlled by each region headquarters.


Last Updated August 13, 2009
©2012 Selective Service System