National Weather Service
Marine Text Forecasts

High Seas
Bay and Coastal
Surf Zone
Marine Weather Statements
Special Marine Warnings
Marine Weather Messages
Alaska Bay and Coastal
Great Lakes Open Lake
Great Lakes Nearshore
Great Lakes Surf Zone
GL Marine WX Statements
GL Special Marine Warnings
GL Marine Weather Messages
Other Great Lakes Products
Atlantic Hurricane
Eastern Pacific Hurricane
Central Pacific Hurricane
Western Pacific Hurricane

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NOTICE - Check time and date of forecasts. Linked data may not represent the latest forecast. The Internet is not part of the National Weather Service's operational data stream and should never be relied upon as a means to obtain the latest forecast and warning data. Become familiar with and use other means such as NOAA Weather Radio to obtain the latest forecasts and warnings.

This is NOT a complete listing of National Weather Service marine forecast products. See (full Internet browser recommended) which also contains information on the dissemination of NWS marine weather forecasts including frequency and broadcast schedule information as well as links to products and related information.

National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Weather, and Water Services
Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch (W/OS21)
Last modified: Sep 14, 2009
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