Senior Fellow Activities

Jennings Randolph Senior Fellows and Peace Scholars (Photo: USIP)

The Jennings Randolph Senior Fellows participate in a great number of activities during their time at the Institute- from publishing Op-eds and academic articles to speaking at conferences and providing testimony on the Hill.  They provide an invaluable resource to the Institute during their 10-month stay as experts on their topics and resources for USIP and others in the Washington area.

Welcome 2011-2012 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellows

  • Jelke Boesten | University of Leeds | Understanding Sexual Violence at the Interface of Peace and War
  • Veronica Isala Eragu Bichetero | International Lawyer | African Women's Participation in Peacemaking: Lessons and Experiences from the Great Lakes Region
  • Donald Horowitz | Duke University | Constitutional Design for Severely Divided Societies
  • Lise Morjé Howard | Georgetown University | U.S. Foreign Policy in Ethno-Sectarian Civil Wars
  • Michael Lund | Management Systems International, Inc. | Democracy without Tears? Avoiding Conflict or State Failure in Post-Authoritarian Transitioning 'Semi-Democracies'
  • Jok Madut Jok | Loyola Marymount University | A Crumbling Political Landscape in Southern Sudan: How Insecurity Threatens the 2005 Peace Accord
  • Christina Murray | University of Cape Town | Constitution Making Between Violence and Peace: Kenya's Story
  • James Savage | University of Virginia | State-Building in Iraq: The 17th Benchmark and the Reconstruction of Iraq's Budgetary Institutions
  • Frederick S. Tipson | U.N. Development Program | Disaster Relief as Preventive Diplomacy: Enhancing the Multilateral Dimensions
  • Robin Wright | Independent Journalist | The Future of Islam
  • Ahmet Yukleyen | University of Mississippi | Salafism and Radicalization of Muslim Youth in Europe: The Dutch Case
  • LTC Brian J. Stokes | Army Fellow | Using Security Force Assistance to Promote Stability and Deter Aggression while Mitigating Risk
  • Mateja Peter | TAPIR Fellow | International Peacebuilding as a Site of Multidirectional Politics: Western Balkans and Beyond
  • Frances Z. Brown | Afghanistan Fellow | A Few Good-Enough Men: Adoption of Community Development Programs for Stabilization Purposes

Explore Previous Fellow Activities