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Office of Justice Programs

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Serving LGBTQ Victims of Crime

This training will provide victim advocates and allied professionals with knowledge and skills needed to effectively support and work with LGBTQ-identified people, communities, and survivors, and translate the knowledge and skills into a defined action plan for themselves and their agencies. The training will help participants strengthen their knowledge of the obstacles LGBTQ people experience in seeking victim services and explore how best to overcome or alleviate these obstacles. At the conclusion of the training, it is expected that victim service providers and allied professionals will be better able to serve more effectively LGBTQ victims of crime.

Active participation in this training will help you accomplish these specific learning objectives:
  • Knowledge About LGBTQ People and Communities
    • Examine situations that gave legal recognition to LGBTQ rights.
    • Review the LGBTQ-specific organizations.
    • Identify basic terms that can be used vs. what terms should be avoided in reference to LGBTQ communities and people.
    • Explain sexual orientation, gender identity, and their differences.
    • Explain the differences between biological sex and gender identity.
    • Explain how behavior does not equal identity.
  • "Phobias," "Isms," and Myths About LGBTQ People
    • Define homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia.
    • Define heteronormativity and heterosexism.
    • Define heterosexual privilege and non-transgender/cisgender privilege.
    • Discuss common myths about LGBTQ people.
  • Violence and the Myths About Violence Against LGBTQ People
    • Explain the prevalence of violence against LGBTQ people.
    • Explain and differentiate between sexual violence, intimate partner violence, hate violence, and hate crimes.
    • Discuss myths and facts of each kind of violence.
  • Institutional, Interpersonal, and Organization Levels of Discrimination
    • Explain how discrimination of LGBTQ people is manifested at the institutional, interpersonal, and organizational levels.
  • Barriers for LGBTQ People Accessing Services
    • Explain how the distinct types of discrimination LGBTQ people face are obstacles to seeking services.
    • Identify their organizations' values.
  • How Your Organization Serves LGBTQ Survivors
    • Identify what clues and cues an L, G, B, T, and/or Q person might look for before accessing services.
    • Identify how their agencies’ values and policies encourage or discourage LGBTQ people from seeking services.
    • Coach individuals on how to create dialogue within their agency to serve LGBTQ people.
    • Discuss opportunities for their agency to make changes to its values, policies, and communications to effectively serve LGBTQ people.
  • Action Planning, Accountability, and Resources
    • Create a personalized action plan that identifies short-term and long-term actions that they can take within their agency to effectively serve LGBTQ people.
    • Identify additional resources to help them and their agency effectively serve LGBTQ people.
    • Create an accountability plan for implementing their short-term and long-term actions for serving LGBTQ people.