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Search Drinking Water Enforcement Data (EPA cases)

Search EPA Enforcement Cases related to the Safe Drinking Water Act and public water systems. This page supplements the compliance and violation data provided in ECHO's Drinking Water Data Search. Drinking Water Enforcement data can be retrieved through a number of different methods, including:


National Drinking Water Enforcement Cases by Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year 2010
Fiscal Year 2011
Fiscal Year 2012 (Year to Date)

Custom Drinking Water Enforcement Case Search

EPA Region State
Fiscal Year
Use "Ctrl" key to select multiple options.

Advanced Drinking Water Enforcement Case Search

To run an advanced Drinking Water Enforcement Case Search, follow the steps below:

• Navigate to ECHO's EPA Enforcement Case Search page.

• In the Enforcement Case Milestone Dates Section, restrict the "Date Range" that you are querying (users typically search Drinking Water Enforcement Cases one fiscal year at a time). If a query is run for all available fiscal years, the number of cases returned will exceed the limit for display. Deselect fiscal years
Deselect fiscal years
• In the Case Attributes Section, change "Primary Law" to "SDWA - Safe Drinking Water Act." If interested, "Primary Section" can also be restricted by SDWA section. Select Primary Law
Select Primary Law
Select Primary Section
Select Primary Section

• Select any combination of other search controls. Searches can be restricted by facility name, geographic location, enforcement case milestone date, and enforcement case outcomes.

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