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OCE Enforcement Alert
Is a new informational newsletter published by the Office of Civil Enforcement that informs and educates the public and regulated community of important environmental enforcement issues, recent trends and significant enforcement actions.
EPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators
View EPA environmental indicator data aggregated nationally or by state, county or zip code based upon the TRi-based risk screening model that OECA has adopted for enforcement targeting.
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Homepage
National Compliance Assistance Centers exit EPA disclaimer
Find links to compliance assistance centers that provide information geared toward helping regulated entities comply with environmental regulations.
EPA Cases and Settlements
The Cases and Settlements page provides links to significant headquarters cases and settlements involving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1998.
AIR Data
View air pollutant release data.
The AIRNow Web Site has four primary areas: Ozone Maps, Air Quality Forecasts, Where I Live and Publications.
EPA EnviroMapper
Maps several types of environmental information, including drinking water, toxic and air releases, hazardous waste, water discharge permits, and Superfund sites.
National Atlas of the United States exit EPA disclaimer
Interactive maps with environmental, biological, geological and demographic layers.
GeoCommunicator exit EPA disclaimer
This site is managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service. It provides a series of map themes and search tools focused on land use.
EPA Surf Your Watershed
Office of Water Web Site lists information on watershed quality.
Office of Water Total Maximum Daily Load Program
Shows 303(d) listed waters, and impairment causes in an interactive mapping platform.
EPA Envirofacts Warehouse
Allows basic searching for facility-level information in multiple databases.
TRI Explorer
Provides web-based search and analysis functions for the Toxics Release Inventory data set.
Office of Water Drinking Water Data in SDWIS/FED
Information on water systems; violations reported by violation type and by contaminant/rule, and GPRA data for each year since 1993; and current Envirofacts data.
National Coastal Condition Report
The Report compiles several available data sets from different agencies and areas of the country and summarizes them to present a broad baseline picture of the condition of coastal waters.
Securities and Exchange Commission (EDGAR) exit EPA disclaimer
Use this site to find corporate disclosures of environmental liability information, and to verify that EPA sanctions over $100,000 have been reported to SEC.
OECA Data Systems and Models
Provides descriptions and links to searchable databases and models used by OECA.
National Response Center Spill Search exit EPA disclaimer
Online "standard report" search for chemical and oil spills reported to the National Response Center.
OSHA Statistics and Data exit EPA disclaimer
Access search tools that locate OSHA inspections conducted within a particular establishment or within a particular industry group.
EPA's Substance Registry System 
SRS now links to other databases on the basis of substance identity. Search results include Nomenclature, Synonyms in EPA, Regulations in EPA, Data Sources, and Links.
Window to My Environment
A Web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice. This application is provided by U.S. EPA in partnership with federal, state, and local government and other organizations.
FirstGov Environmental Links exit EPA disclaimer
Source of links to government sponsored environmental sites.
Sector Compliance Data from the Sector Notebook Project
Provides summary compliance and enforcement data for selected industries with links to additional profiles of each industry.
  Leave ECHO for State Enforcement and Compliance Web sites
Check out the More State Data page.
  Leave ECHO for Web sites maintained by EPA Regional Offices
Region 1 Data and Software
Provides TRI data for New England states.
Region 2 Geographic Information Systems
Information on regional GIS projects, data and software.
Region 3 Databases and Software
Provides links to searchable databases and environmental maps.
Region 4 Geographic Information Systems and Information Resources
Regional databases and GIS applications.
Region 5 Enforcement Action Database
Regional enforcements actions for FY 2000 by name, state, or statute.
Region 5 Enforcement Reports
Summary of Regional enforcement activity by fiscal year or type (SEP, Compliance Orders, penalties, or trends).
Region 6 Comparative Risk Publications
Contains Regional analyses covering Human Health Risk, Environmental Justice Index, Comparative Risk Report, and Federal Facilities Risk Index, plus links to national sites.
Region 6 National Storm Water General Permit NOI Database
The Storm Water national database is maintained by the Notice of Intent (NOI) Processing Center in Washington, DC. The database contains information on permittees in non-delegated states.
Region 8 Geographic Information Systems Data
Inventory of GIS web and mapping links.

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