Public Meetings and Conferences

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Upcoming Meetings and Conferences

Cross-Cutting Issues

The BARDA Multi-Broad Agency Announcement Pre-Proposal Conference 2012
July 16, 2012

Boston BARDA Industry Day Contracting for Countermeasures
October 17 - 19, 2011

Barda Industry Day Contracting for CounterMeasures
June 7-9 2011

5th Annual PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop and BARDA Industry Day
January 10-12, 2011

Animal Model Draft Guidance Public Meeting
November 5, 2010

HHS PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop 2009 and BARDA Industry Day
December 2-4, 2009

The Transformational Medical Technologies Initiative (TMTI) Industry Day
November 18-19, 2009

CBRN Medical Countermeasures Workshop
June 25-26, 2009

HHS PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop 2008 and BARDA Industry Day
September 24-26, 2008

2007 Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Industry Day
August 3, 2007

HHS PHEMC Enterprise Stakeholders Workshop
July 31 - August 2, 2007

BioShield Stakeholders Workshop
September 24-25, 2006

Biological Threats

Eleventh Annual Conference on Vaccine Research
May 5-7, 2008

NIAID Expert Panel on Botulinum Neurotoxins Therapeutics
February 9-10, 2004

NIAID Expert Panel on Botulinum Diagnostics
March 23, 2003

NIAID Expert Panel on Botulinum Toxins
November 20, 2002

Chemical Threats

NINDS Counterterrorism and Neuroscience Workshop
April 7-8, 2004

NIAID Expert Panel Review on Medical Chemical Defense
March 19, 2003

Radiological/Nuclear Threats

Radiation Epidemiology Course - Radiation Epidemiology Branch (REB), Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics (DCEG), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
May 14-17, 2007

Videocast Library and Online Training

NIH Videocasting: Online library which contains videocasts on a variety of topics, including issues in emergency preparedness and biodefense.

CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response Training Resources: Online resource training materials, which includes information on topics ranging from basic introductory materials to information on laboratory training and risk communication.

Advisory Committees

National Science Advisory Board for BioSecurity (NSABB): The NSABB has been established to provide advice to federal departments and agencies on ways to minimize the possibility that knowledge and technologies emanating from vitally important biological research will be misused to threaten public health or national security. The NSABB is a critical component of a set of federal initiatives to promote biosecurity in life science research.

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee: The Committee reviews and evaluates data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products which are intended for use in the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of human diseases, and, as required, any other product for which the Food and Drug Administration has regulatory responsibility. The Committee also considers the quality and relevance of FDA's research program which provides scientific support for the regulation of these products and makes appropriate recommendations to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs.