Aung San Suu Kyi raising hand with writing on it

Media & Information

Even Though I’m Free, I Am Not

In James Mackay’s portraits, Burmese dissidents pose with the names of political prisoners on their raised palms, to pay tribute to and stand in solidarity with peers who remain imprisoned for their activities and beliefs.
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Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the opposition party, the National League for Democracy, was arrested for the first time in July 1989. She has been detained on three separate occasions and has spent more than 15 years under house arrest in Rangoon. Released from her latest sentence in November 2010, she continues to work to achieve democracy and national reconciliation in Burma in spite of continued threats and oppression from the ruling military regime. On her hand is written the name of Soe Min Min, a member of the National League for Democracy who was arrested in 2008 for praying at Shwedagon Pagoda for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. He is serving a nine year sentence at Insein prison. Update: Soe Min Min was released from Insein prison according to a conditional amnesty announced by the Burmese regime on January 12, 2012.

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Photo credit: © James Mackay
Man resting hands on bars of prison cell


Stop Torture in Health Care

Far too many people experience cruel and degrading treatment in the name of health care. We are working to put an end to human rights violations and abuses in health care settings.
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From the Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care: Detention as Treatment in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Image is a frame from the film "Violence Is Not the Solution." In all corners of the world, people who use drugs are forcibly detained in "rehabilitation" centers where they may be subjected to beatings, forced labor, medical experimentation, denial of basic health care (including evidence-based drug treatment), and other severe human rights violations. Thousands of people throughout Southeast Asia are locked away in so-called drug rehabilitation centers where they are regularly beaten, abused, and denied access to medical care. The Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care is working worldwide to put an end to human rights violations and abuses in health care settings.

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Photo credit: © Scott Anger and Bob Sacha for the Open Society Foundations

Governance & Accountability

Grassroots Justice

Unfair or inaccessible legal systems leave four billion people around the world without the means to protect themselves. Legal empowerment aims to return power to the people.
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Vita Kalembet, a paralegal, is helping Alina Grotsyk navigate Ukraine's complex bureaucracy to secure child support for her son. Kalembet is one of a growing number of paralegals working in rural Ukraine, where economic and political transition over the past two decades has left many people with limited access to public services or information. But in four regions, community law centers funded by the Open Society Foundations are helping ordinary people assert their rights under the law.

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Photo credit: © Stephanie Sinclair/VII for the Open Society Foundations
Kids playing chess

Education & Youth

Expanding Learning, Expanding Opportunities

Our advocacy and debate initiatives strive to ensure that young people of different backgrounds have equal access to education and individual expression.
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Students at Hilton Elementary School in West Baltimore leave school at 5:30 p.m. The additional hours give kids the full array of activities that all parents would like for their children but that many families can’t afford.

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Photo credit: © Bruce Weller for the Open Society Foundations

Rights & Justice

Lost in Pretrial Limbo

As millions of people around the world languish behind bars—without being tried or found guilty—their families slip deeper into poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
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In Mpungu, Malawi, villagers prepare for the funeral of the local head man. His nephew and heir, Benson Sango, will be unable to attend. Benson has been held in Maula prison, in the capital, Lilongwe, for more than two years without bail or a trial. The Global Campaign for Pretrial Justice is documenting the costs of excessive and unnecessary pretrial detention. We are helping governments develop bail and supervision systems that can make detention exception, and not the rule.

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Photo credit: © Ed Kashi/VII for the Open Society Foundations


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A legally empowered citizenry is both the guarantor and lifeblood of democracy. Poverty will only be defeated when the law works for everyone.

Every polling place in the city of San Juan rejected our governor’s attempt to dismantle fundamental rights guaranteed by the Puerto Rico Constitution.

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The Forum will connect committed leaders to ensure progress in improving the life outcomes of black men and boys. Speakers include George Soros, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Earvin “Magic” Johnson.


This event will assess the progress made as well as the obstacles and challenges which remain in protecting and promoting the rights of migrants in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

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    Open Society Institute–New York, Open Society Justice Initiative
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    At Home in Europe Project, Open Society Foundation–London
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    Open Society Fellowship


The fund supports democratic processes through core and institutional grants; research projects to improve governance and tackle intolerance; and a variety of fellowship, internship, and peer exchange opportunities.

The Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative supports civil society efforts to advance free expression, ensure government accountability and justice, and empower marginalized groups to exercise their rights.

The work of U.S. Programs focuses on the most vulnerable communities and the most significant threats to open society, with an emphasis on criminal justice, racial equality, and accountability in government.