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Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.

Begin your search in the Advocacy Libraries and Law Libraries. You will find thousands of articles, cases, and resources about dozens of topics:

IDEA 2004 l Special Education LawAdvocacy
Books, DVDs, Websites

Newsletter: Subscribe to the Special Ed Advocate.

In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will learn about the legal requirements of IEPs. Get answers to your questions and find out what you need to know about IEPs, IEP teams, and IEP meetings. Learn how to use tactics and strategies to get quality services in your child's IEP. Roadmap to IEPs

IEP FAQs Pop-Up! Special Factors in IEPs

You are Invited ... Visit the Wrightslaw Way Blog. Help us create a unique online community. Recent posts and comments ...

Are You Ever Coming to Kalamazoo?
4 Keys to Managing Homework for Kids with LD
Stand With Us and Say "NO" to Low Expectations for Students

Special Education / Education
Can School Attorneys Legally Attend IEP Meetings?
Tested IEP Tips for Parents and Educators
Should Poor Organizational Skills be Accommodated in an IEP?

Special Education / Advocacy
What You Need to Know About IEPs and IEP Meetings
Play Hearts, Not Poker: 8 Steps to Better IEP Meetings
Dealing with a Master of Deception: Homework Refusal and Failure

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004)
Legal Requirements of IEPs
Model Forms for IEPs, Procedural Safeguards, Prior Written Notice

What You Need to Know About IDEA 2004

Legal Issues & Decisions
New! Safford v. Redding, HH v. Moffett, NN v. Tunkhannock: Remedies When School Officials Violate a Child's Constitutional Rights

J. D. B. v. North Carolina
(U. S. __, 2011) - Where police interrogated a 13 year old middle school student at school but did not give a Miranda warning, U. S. Supreme Court holds that a child's age is relevant to the Miranda custody analysis. Reversed and remanded.

Sumter Sch Dist. v. TH
- School district failed to provide a free, appropriate public education to child with autism & failed to provide services in IEP; program provided by child's parents was appropriate. Court cited testimony by ABA-trained teacher about inappropriate instruction by school, and inadequately trained teachers. (4th Cir 2011)

C.B. v. Garden Grove Unified Sch. Dist
. (9th Cir 2011) - After CA school failed to provide FAPE, guardian placed child in private program and requested reimbursement. ALJ found that child received "significant educational benefits" only ordered reimbursement for half of tuition because private program did not meet all child's needs. District Court reversed, awarded full reimbursement. School appealed. Court of Appeals affirmed lower court ruling.

Law School Exam - Give it a try. Take the Final Exam that Pete and Pam administered to their students at the William & Mary School of Law. To see one of their students in oral argument in an LRE case, click here.

Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) - Meet the faculty and graduates; review the program agenda for the William and Mary Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) 2012. camera iconView the Slideshow. LIVE Blogging from ISEA 2012. ISEA 2013: July 29 - August 3, 2013.

Free Flyers, Resources, Pubs
IDEA 2004 Resources
Help for College Students with Disabilities Flyer
Need to find an attorney, advocate, tutor, therapist in your state? Visit the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities

Books, DVDs & Websites

Pete and Pam Wright are Adjunct Professors of Law at the William and Mary Law School where they teach a course about special education law and advocacy and assist with the Law School's Special Education Law Clinic. They are co-authors of several books published by Harbor House Law Press.
Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition (ISBN: 978-1-892320-16-2, 456 pages) available in two formats, as a print publication and as a print and e-book combo.

Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition (978-1-892320-09-4, 338 pages)

Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind with Suzanne Whitney (ISBN: 978-1-892320-12-4); includes the NCLB CD-ROM of resources and references.

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs (ISBN: 978-1-892320-20-9, 192 pages) by Pete Wright, Pam Wright, and Sue O'Connor.

Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board DVD Video - award-winning documentary, 2 hours.

Pete and Pam built several websites to help parents of children with disabilities in their quest for quality special education programs.

Fetaweb.com, the companion website to Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, has advocacy information and resources to supplement the FETA book.

IDEA 2004 at Wrightslaw
provides current information about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004). Learn about new requirements for IEPs, IEP teams, IEP meetings, eligibility, evaluations, eligibility for specific learning disabilities, child find, reevaluations, parental consent, accommodations, alternate assessments, transition, and more.

No Child Left Behind at Wrightslaw offers accurate, up-to-date information about the No Child Left Behind Act - research-based instruction, proficiency testing, parent involvement, tutoring and supplemental educational services, highly qualified teachers, and public school choice.

At the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities, you'll find listings for educational consultants, advocates, advisors, psychologists, diagnosticians, health care specialists, academic tutors, speech language therapists, and attorneys. You'll also find government programs, grassroots organizations, disability organizations, legal and advocacy resources, special education schools, and parent support groups.

Last revised: 09/25/12

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright Wrightslaw: All About IEPs Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board

Copyright © 1998-2012, Peter W. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright. All rights reserved.

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