
Our Mission

ITS is the research and engineering laboratory of NTIA. ITS supports NTIA by performing the research and engineering that enables the U.S. Government, national and international standards organizations, and many aspects of private industry to manage the radio spectrum and ensure that innovative, new technologies are recognized and effective. ITS also serves as a principal Federal resource for solving the telecommunications concerns of other Federal agencies, state and local Governments, private corporations and associations, and international organizations.

Fiscal Year 2011 Technical Progress Report


ITS is located on the campus of the Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories.

Information about visiting the Boulder Labs

Boulder Labs Site Status

Partner Sites

  • Standards Development and Analysis.
    ITS provides ongoing leadership and technical contributions to international, national, and local telecommunication standards committees such as ITU, TIA, ATIS. ITS experts are regularly called on to interpret and analyze standards and regulations.
  • Public Safety Communications Interoperability.
    ITS works directly with practitioner agencies to improve the intelligibility and interoperability of communication systems. ITS conducts research in the field and in the laboratory to reflect the real environment in which Public Safety operates.
  • Table Mountain Field Site.
    ITS maintains the Table Mountain Field Site north of Boulder, CO, a unique 1,800 acre designated Radio Quiet Zone and radio research facility that is extensively used for research and experimentation both by ITS and by others under cooperative agreements.
  • Radio Spectrum Measurement Science (RSMS).
    The RSMS system is a customized resource for the performance of fundamental theoretical and applied research. The RSMS-4G truck is a state-of-the-art mobile measurement laboratory used to measure spectrum occupancy and analyze interference problems.
  • Audio and Video Quality Research.
    Objective quality-of-service (QoS) measurements for voice and video communications using different coding and transmission schemes taken in ITS’s unique audio-visual laboratories provide government and industry tools and techniques to assess service quality.
  • Wireless Voice/Data Systems and Emerging Technologies.
    ITS assesses telecommunications system components and emerging technologies, evaluates network survivability, and assesses system effectiveness in national security/emergency preparedness, military, and commercial environments.
  • Radar Interference Effects Tests and Measurements.
    ITS acts as a resource to military and civilian agencies to identify sources of radar signal interference through controlled laboratory and field testing. Root cause analysis leads to engineering of proposed solutions shared with industry.


ITS Engineer Honored by NPSTC

The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council recently announced the establishment of the Atkinson Technical Award in honor of ITS senior engineer David (DJ) Atkinson, whose April 2012 death in a tragic accident was a great loss to NTIA and the public safety community. DJ's work on Public Safety Audio Quality is credited by many firefighters with saving lives on the fireground. Read the NTIA blog posting or the PSCR announcement about the award.


ITS Engineer Honored by ATIS

ITS senior engineer Tim Riley received an Award for Outstanding Contributions to an ATIS Forum or Committee during the 2012 ATIS 9th Annual Meeting of Committees in April. This award is presented to individuals who have provided valuable contributions to the development, acceptance or completion of ATIS standards during the past year.

Tim Riley _Susan Miller

New Publications