Upcoming Event: NIEM Practitioner Meeting

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A National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Practitioner Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) will be held on Wednesday, May 23rd from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST in McLean, VA.

This event will feature presentations by Donna Roy, NIEM Executive Director; resources in the NIEM Program Management Office; and NIEM practitioners from across the federal government. The NIEM Practitioner TEM seeks to facilitate dialogue between government and private sector practitioners related to using, governing, and managing the NIEM data model as well as to capture practitioner feedback to inform NIEM strategy going forward.

The recommended participants for the NIEM Practitioner TEM are government employees as well as government contract support personnel with a moderate to advanced-level of NIEM understanding and implementation experience.

We hope you can join us. For more information and registration, click here.​​​​​​​