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CANSOFCOM PDC Symposium Registration

The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) resides at MacDill Air Force Base, FL. With active duty, reserve, and civilian faculty members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, JSOU delivers unique SOF educational opportunities through in residence courses and integration of SOF curriculum with service Professional Military Education Schools.

OUR MISSION educate Special Operations Forces executive, senior, and intermediate leaders and selected other national and international security decision-makers, both military and civilian, through teaching, research, and outreach in the science and art of Joint Special Operations.

Please take the time to read our President's Welcome Message and our University History.

JSOU Future Concept, Academic Handbook,
and Factbook now available!

In addition to the Compentency Model Explanation, & the JSOU Strategic Plan, these new materials are now ready for review. Please click on the links below to access this valuable information. Thank you for your interest in JSOU and educating the Joint SOF Warrior!

--The Joint Special Operations University Future Concept reviews the commissioned study of current and future joint SOF education requirements. The report proposes an integrated and coordinated education network that provides for an exchange of knowledge and education with SOF components and their school houses, the Theater Special Operations Commands, Department of Defense Regional Centers, the Joint and Service PME Institutions, and selected civilian academic universities and colleges. JSOU's Future Concept brings together both the vision of joint SOF education and JSOU's lead in educating joint warrior diplomats.

--The Joint Special Operations University Factbook provides a summary of academic courses, educational programs and student demographics for academic year 2011. Our annual report reflects the major accomplishments in the area of Interagency Education, Irregular Warfare Education, International Education Engagement, and the Joint SOF Senior Enlisted Academy.

--The Joint Special Operations University Academic Handbook 2012-2013, is a handbook that offers a summary of JSOU courses and links to other institutions that provide joint SOF related courses.



Registration for the 2013 JSOU and CANSOFCOM PDC Symposium, The Role of the Global SOF Network in a Resource Constrained Environment, is now open.

Registration has been extended until 8 February to fill the few remaining seats.

Online registration is now open! Register today by clicking the registration tab (above).  Space is limited and you will be notified when your registration is confirmed.  Registration will close on 1 February 2013.  Click here for administrative information

Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) Professional Development Centre (PDC) will co-sponsor a two-day symposium that will be hosted by JSOU in Tampa, Florida 27-28 February 2013 (Wednesday-Thursday).  The purpose of the symposium is to expand Special Operations Forces (SOF) knowledge and thinking in an academic environment.  A previous co-sponsored symposium focused on current operations and lessons learned (Building Global Partnerships).  This symposium will focus on the future for integration and interoperability necessary to sustain the SOF global network.


We are pleased to announce the following Keynote Speakers:

- Gen (Ret) Charles R. Holland, former commander of USSOCOM (Confirmed)

- LTG John F. Mulholland, Deputy Commander USSOCOM (Confirmed)

- LGen Stuart A. Beare, Commander, Canadian Joint Operations Cmd (Confirmed)

- BGen Denis W. Thompson, Commander, CANSOFCOM (Confirmed)

Panel Topics include:

- Perspectives on Global Networks

- Working With Partners/The Challenges of Interoperability

- Cultural Intelligence: Education and Application

- The Acid Test of Reality – Experiences of the Operators

- Private Security Companies







The 2013 JSOU-NDIA Essay Contest has been closed.

All Professional Military Education students enrolled or graduated during FY2012 and FY2013 are eligible for this year's contest. First place prize is $1,000 and a trip to Washington D.C. to accept the award. Second place is $500 and a trip to Washington D.C. to accept the award. Please see the 2013 JSOU NDIA Essay Contest Rules (3 Aug 2012) by clicking here.

We are currently seeking suggestions for future JSOU Publication Topics.

Recommend a Future Topic