
Satellite taking off. Picture of a satellite in space.GPS IIF–3 (SVN 65) Scheduled Launch
October 4, 2012, GPS Block IIF, Satellite No. 3, Space Vehicle Number 65 (SVN 65) was successfully launched on board a United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket on October 4, 2012... more


DOT and USCG logos52nd Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) Meeting
September 17-18, 2012, The 52nd meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee was held in Nashville, Tennessee in conjunction with the ION GNSS 2012 conference... more


FCC GPS Jammer Enforcement AdvisoryFCC GPS Jammer Enforcement Advisory
On March 6, 2012, heightened media interest in the topic led the FCC to issue this updated enforcement advisory for GPS and cell phone jammers... more


February 14, 2012, the FCC announced the following, "NTIA, the federal agency that coordinates spectrum uses for the military and other federal government entities, has now concluded that there is no practical way to mitigate potential interference at this time."... more

GPS Block IIR-M: Replenishment satellite design with Modernized features
GPS Block IIR-M: Replenishment satellite design with Modernized features
Space Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Policy
Radionavigation Systems Planning
National PNT Architecture
Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS Augmentation Systems
Spectrum Policy
Major Initiatives
Radionavigation Systems Planning
National PNT Architecture
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Civil Global Positioning System Service Interface Committee
Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) Program
Spectrum Planning
U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Policy
Featured Publications

2010 Federal Radionavigation Plan

2010 Federal Radionavigation Plan

2010 National PNT Architecture Implementation Plan

2010 National PNT Architecture
Implementation Plan

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