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Video The Second Special General Meeting

Kunleng discusses the ongoing conference in Dharamsala where the agendas include finding new strategies for dealing with the current situation in Tibet and creating a more effective exile movement. Guests : Tashi Namgyal, MP, Thupten Pawo, New Generation for Tibetan Movement, Switzerland, and Tashi Wandu, Byllakuppe settlement, India


Tibet »

Kalon Tripa Signs Charter Amendment

Audio Kalon Tripa Signs Charter Amendment, Becomes Sikyong

The head of the Central Tibetan Administration-in-exile Lobsang Sangay on Wednesday signed the charter amending his official title from Kalon Tripa to Sikyong. More


China »

Customers test out Apple iPads in an Apple Store in downtown Shanghai, February 29, 2012.

Chinese Could Soon Become Most Popular Web Language

UN study says for now English remains most widely spoken language on web, but Chinese web users continue to grow rapidly More


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Your JavaScript is turned off or you have an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.

Video The Second Special General Meeting

Kunleng discusses the ongoing conference in Dharamsala where the agendas include finding new strategies for dealing with the current situation in Tibet and creating a more effective exile movement. Guests : Tashi Namgyal, MP, Thupten Pawo, New Generation for Tibetan Movement, Switzerland, and Tashi Wandu, Byllakuppe settlement, India

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Inside Tibet »

Kalon Tripa Signs Charter Amendment

Audio Kalon Tripa Signs Charter Amendment, Becomes Sikyong

The head of the Central Tibetan Administration-in-exile Lobsang Sangay on Wednesday signed the charter amending his official title from Kalon Tripa to Sikyong. More


Dalai Lama »

The Dalai Lama receiving an honorary Doctor of Letters from Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India, on November 23rd, 2010.

Dalai Lama Addresses Jamia Islamia Students and Faculty on Non-Violence

The Dalai Lama today gave a talk on non-violence and ethical values to students and faculty members of Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi More


Education »

Tibetan Homes Foundation 50

Mussoorie Tibetan Homes Foundation 50 Years

The Dalai Lama at the 50th anniversary celebration of Tibetan Homes Foundation, and a look back at the institution’s role in shaping the exile Tibetan society. More


History »


Tibetan Muslims: Past and Present

Table Talk interviews three Tibetan Muslims about the history and current situation of the Tibetan Muslims inside and outside Tibet More


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Delhi students play

Tibetan Students Commemorate 1987 Lhasa Uprising

Regional Tibetan Youth Congress [RTYC] of Rohini in Delhi, consisting mostly of college going students of Delhi University, commemorated the 25th anniversary of 1987 Lhasa Uprising More


Lifestyle »

Audio North American Tibetan Language Conference Held in California

A 2-day conference to discuss Tibetan language education for Tibetan children in the United States and Canada was held Saturday in Northern California More


Religion »

Dalai Lama gives teachings to students from Southeast Asia

Audio Dalai Lama Concludes 3 Days Teachings

The Dalai Lama today concluded his three-day teaching on Shantideva's "A Guide to the Boddhisattva's Way of Life" at the main temple in Dharamsala More


Health »

Video HIV/AIDS and Tibetan Society

Kunleng discusses HIV/AIDS transmission, prevention and remedies, and efforts to educate and build awareness of the disease in Tibetan society More



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