Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region

Upper Colorado Region

Water Resources Group

The Water Resources Group is responsible for water related activities ranging from the management of water supply, through contracting for water use and Project repayment to ensuring Reclamation water is applied to appropriate lands and protecting the use of the water.  These activities are conducted in coordination with the appropriate Area Offices and interested parties. 

The Water Resource Group is largely divided into 3 Teams as described below:

The Operations Team conducts water release scheduling and directs the operation of the major Colorado River Storage Project dams and reservoirs including: Fontenelle, Flaming Gorge, Blue Mesa, Morrow Point and Crystal and Glen Canyon/Lake Powell.  The team also performs modeling and analysis of potential reservoir operations and prepares and maintains operational data products and reports.  Please see the dropdown menu below for operational information.

The Economic/Contracts Team oversees the issuance and administration of contracts including contracts for the repayment by Project beneficiaries of construction and O&M costs of the projects and for water leasing. The team  also conducts economic and repayment studies for Regional projects.

The Reclamation Reform Act (RRA) Team administers the Region’s RRA program which ensures that the water the Reclamation projects provide is applied to appropriate lands. 

Group members within the also provide leadership in Regional programs including: Project water rights protection and administering the Water Conservation Field Services and Drought Programs.

The Water Resources Group is part of the Resources Management Division.

Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@usbr.gov