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$1 Million Awarded in Support U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program

USTDA Director Larry Walther (left) shakes hands with CAAC Administrator Li Jiaxiang (right) following the signing of the grant agreement for Phase IV of the U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program
USTDA Director Larry Walther (left) shakes hands with CAAC Administrator Li Jiaxiang (right) following the signing of the grant agreement for Phase IV of the U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program

BEIJING, CHINA (June 25, 2008) – Today, USTDA continued its support of the ongoing U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program (ACP) by committing an additional $1 million to support the fourth phase of the successful partnership between USTDA, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. industry and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). In addition to promoting beneficial trade and cooperation, the program will build upon the work already undertaken in earlier phases to expand China’s regional aviation market through the development of a framework for managing its continued growth. The USTDA grant agreement signed today will partially fund the ACP, with matching funds provided by the U.S. aviation industry and a significant contribution from the CAAC, thereby linking the U.S. and Chinese governments and aviation industries in a multi-faceted program to promote technical, policy and commercial cooperation.

"The U.S.-China Aviation Cooperation Program is a prime example of what can be achieved under a partnership of mutual respect and a desire to work together constructively," USTDA Director Larry W. Walther stated at the signing. "The additional funds that we are providing today come at a time when our aviation industries are working closer than ever. The cooperation between USTDA and the CAAC under the ACP, in my view, is a significant reason for this."

The USTDA agreement was conferred during a signing ceremony at CAAC headquarters. USTDA Director Walther and CAAC Administrator Li Jiaxiang signed the grant agreement on behalf of the U.S. and Chinese governments, respectively. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the 30 corporate members of the CAAC.

USTDA helped to launch the ACP with the CAAC in early 2004. In addition to today’s grant, USTDA has provided $3.5 million in support of prior ACP phases. To date, USTDA has identified very strong Chinese demand of U.S. aviation products that are attributable to funding for the ACP. Of particular note is the U.S. content for the ARJ-21 aircraft that is outfitted with U.S. manufactured avionics and control systems. It is envisioned that the expansion of the ACP will strengthen the bilateral partnership and open further opportunities for the best in American manufactured goods and services.

The expanded program supported by today’s agreement includes technical assistance provided by ACP industry members and the FAA in the areas of executive management development training, development of a general aviation system, and training of air traffic control supervisors. USTDA support for this program will be matched by approximately $1.6 million in related contributions by ACP member companies and organizations.

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency advances economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle-income countries. The agency funds various forms of technical assistance, early investment analysis, training, reverse trade missions and business workshops that support the development of a modern infrastructure and a fair, open trading environment. USTDA's strategic use of foreign assistance funds to support sound investment policy and decision-making in host countries creates an enabling environment for trade, investment and sustainable economic development. In carrying out its mission, USTDA gives emphasis to economic sectors that may benefit from U.S. exports of goods and services.


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