NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Turkey-NATO anniversary - 18 February 1952

"NATO is one of the essential dimensions of Turkish foreign and defence policy. Turkey has been an important member of the Alliance and a reliable Ally for 60 years."

Ambassador Haydar Berk, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the North Atlantic Council


NATO Review - Turkey: interview with Defence Minister Yilmaz

17 Feb. 2012

NATO Review interviews Turkish Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz about smart defence, Turkish foreign policy and what being in NATO for 60 years means.


NATO Review

1605452 454282 NATO Review - Turkey: What 60 years in NATO means Does NATO have a role to play in Turkey's new stronger foreign policy outlook? Does the Turkish public see NATO as necessary? Here we ask Turkish journalists and analysts to describe how they feel NATO looks from a Turkish perspective. 17 Feb. 2012 photos_71972.htm 05D0CE8A256E4F5CAEB54A405D242528 1605454 454282 NATO Review - Turkey: interview with Defence Minister Yilmaz NATO Review interviews Turkish Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz about smart defence, Turkish foreign policy and what being in NATO for 60 years means. 17 Feb. 2012 photos_71972.htm 7E52E9F90AC24D98ABFEA4E07173C4E2
Greece and Turkey: 60 years in NATO 22 Feb. 2012 2012 marks 60 years since Turkey and Greece joined NATO in 1952. In this edition of NATO Review, we gauge how the countries have changed in the last six decades, we look at their relationship with each other and ask where their security outlooks lay now. 
Turkey: interview with Defence Minister Yilmaz 16 Feb. 2012 NATO Review interviews Turkish Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz about smart defence, Turkish foreign policy and what being in NATO for 60 years means. 
Turkey: what 60 years in NATO means 16 Feb. 2012 Does NATO have a role to play in Turkey's new stronger foreign policy outlook? Does the Turkish public see NATO as necessary? Here we ask Turkish journalists and analysts to describe how they feel NATO looks from a Turkish perspective. 
The historic document confirming Greece and Turkey joining NATO 16 Feb. 2012 Here we reprint the 'Resolution on the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Treaty', signed in 1952. 

Photo galleries

Visit to NATO by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey 18 Jan. 2012 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen shakes hands with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - KFOR 15 Nov. 2011 Colonel Runck, Chief of Staff for Multi-National Battle Group-East, and Lieutenant Colonel Ozkurt of the Turkish Army sign documents making Turkey a part of the battle group at a meeting at Camp Bondsteel - 9 March 2010. 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - SFOR 15 Nov. 2011 A Turkish soldier and an inhabitant of Budozleje talk about the need to repair the village's main water pump - Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2002. 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - Exercise Cooperative Partner 2003 15 Nov. 2011 Turkish Marines move out after coming ashore at Yuzhny port, Ukraine. The simulated amphibious landing was part of NATO Exercise Cooperative Partner 2003. 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - Exercise Cooperative Partner 2004 15 Nov. 2011 A Turkish Sailor guards the upper deck in the shadow of the tower of the Turkish submarine TCG Preveze - Varna, Bulgaria, 20th June - 2nd July 2004 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - NRF Exercise Loyal Midas 2005 - Sardinia 15 Nov. 2011 The Turkish Underwater Tactical Team carries out a helicopter drop exercise assisted by Spanish Sea King helicopters. 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - Afghanistan 15 Nov. 2011 General Stanley McChrystal (centre, former Commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and U.S. Forces Afghanistan, attends the meeting of defence ministers in Istanbul, Turkey - February 2010. 
Turkey 60 years in NATO - Officials 15 Nov. 2011 Turkish President Abdullah Gul, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Turkish Defence Minister Mehmet Vecdi Gonul at an informal meeting of NATO defence ministers in Istanbul 


What is NATO? 01 Jul. 2012 A comprehensive overview of how NATO works, what it does and what it is. 
NATO member and partner countries 01 May. 2011 A map of NATO member and partner countries 
Countering Terrorism 05 Sep. 2011 The essence of NATO's role in the fight against terrorism is protecting people. NATO offers a unique range of assets to the international community. This Briefing explains the scope and type of activities NATO is undertaking to fight the scourge of terrorism. 
Tackling New Security Challenges 31 Jan. 2012 Some of the most important challenges facing NATO in the coming decades include terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyber security, the threat of missile attack, energy security and piracy. This Briefing discusses the ways in which the Alliance aims to tackle these new security challenges.  
Discover NATO 01 Jun. 2010 A quick glance at NATO, its role, activities and members. 
Strategic Concept 2010 19 Nov. 2010 The 2010 Strategic Concept 'Active Engagement, Modern Defence' is a very clear and resolute statement on NATO's values and strategic objectives for the next decade. Collective defence, crisis management and cooperative security are the Alliance's essential core tasks in today's transformed security environment, an environment the Alliance is equipping itself for both politically and militarily. 
NATO after Lisbon 05 Apr. 2011 This short text provides an overview of the major decisions, policies, and documents approved at the NATO Summit in Lisbon in November 2010. 

Last updated: 17-Feb-2012 15:52

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