
MedicalCountermeasures.gov facilitates communication between federal government agencies and public stakeholders to enhance the Nation's public health emergency preparedness.

Both naturally occurring and manmade threats can cause catastrophic harm, ranging from loss of lives to economic repercussions, and they may threaten both animal and public health. To meet these challenges, federal agencies are encouraging communication with stakeholders in industry and the research and development community.

Objectives of MedicalCountermeasures.gov:

  • To facilitate communication and improves transparency related to public health emergency medical countermeasures by engaging stakeholders in industry and the research and development community.
  • To provide external stakeholders with a single point of entry to the U.S. government to discuss products that treat, identify, or prevent harm from a threat. Stakeholders with medical countermeasures in the development pipeline will be routed to the most appropriate department within the federal government for consideration.
  • To facilitate the flow of information between the government and stakeholders in the research and development community by providing up-to-date information on government initiatives and events.
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