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Science on Saturday

Science on Saturday (SOS) is a series of science lectures for middle and high school students. Each topic highlights cutting-edge science occurring at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The talks are presented by leading LLNL science researchers supported by master high school science teachers. These presentations are offered in several locations. See the schedule below to find locations nearest to you.

Admission is free of charge. Seating is on a first come basis. Seats may not be reserved in advance. See the schedule for the starting times of each presentation, and a map to the venue. Seating is limited. Please come early to ensure that you will find a seat.

Students receive a "Student Notes" worksheet to record key information from the talk. The worksheet will be marked with the official SOS stamp at the end of the presentation. Many teachers use the worksheet to award "extra credit." Students should check with their teacher in advance to determine if they will receive credit for attending SOS.

Teachers who attend the SOS presentations can receive a CD with the presentation slides. If the talk is video recorded, they can receive a DVD of the recorded talk as well. These CDs and DVDs are offered free of charge and are sent by mail after the completion of the lecture series for the year. Be sure to register when you attend to receive your copy of these valuable teaching resources.

2013 Science on Saturday Flyer

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration