Supply and Cold Chain Sector

USTDA Sector Brief - Customs USTDA Sector Brief - Supply and Cold Chain

The efficient storage and transportation of perishable goods is vital to economic growth. However, the lack of an adequate infrastructure to achieve this objective continues to hinder development in emerging economies. To address this challenge, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) connects supply and cold chain equipment suppliers with project opportunities overseas, opening new export markets to deploy transportation and storage infrastructure to limit the loss of perishable products in emerging economies.

Examples of USTDA activities involving supply and cold chain technologies in 2008 and 2009 include:

China Applied Cold Chain Best Practices Outreach Program – In 2009, a technical assistance outreach program was held for Chinese government officials and industry representatives that focused on cold-chain technology, product handling procedures and standards. The outreach program included a four-day forum for U.S. firms to present technologies and best practices for improving the operating efficiencies of Chinese refrigerated warehouses and refrigerated transportation systems. This program took place in three Chinese cities (Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Shanghai) and was conducted by the Peoples Group.

China Cold Chain Reverse Trade Mission – Following the 2009 China cold chain best practices outreach program, USTDA sponsored a reverse trade mission (RTM) for 12 Chinese delegates to familiarize them with U.S. practices and technologies in the cold chain industry. The visit included participation in the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Conference, industry site visits and meetings with public and private sector experts on cold chain standards and practices.

Panama Air Cargo Facility – Starting in 2009, USTDA will provide $258,000 to assess the options for installing an air cargo facility for durable and non-durable goods at Tocumen International Airport in Panama. The installation of an air cargo facility with cold storage capability will contribute to Panama’s food safety and security infrastructure, as well as increase the volume and value of both perishable and non-perishable goods traveling to and from Panama.

Morocco Cold Chain Storage for Fisheries – USTDA is funding a $462,970 grant to the Office National des Pêches. This technical assistance includes a comprehensive study to identify the specific needs for cold storage infrastructure and facilities for the fishing industry to help reduce post-catch losses. The assistance also provides a training component targeting producers and producer associations on the role of cold storage in preserving the quality of production and therefore improving the value of the catch.

India Cold Chain System Improvement – In 2009 USTDA launched an initiative to design and implement a targeted cold chain improvement program in Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Kolkata. Through a series of in-country technical workshops and training seminars, this program enhanced the competitiveness of U.S. exports of perishable products to India and increased the export value of agricultural commodities from India to international markets.

Pakistan Intermodal Freight Transportation Reverse Trade Mission – USTDA sponsored a 12-day reverse trade mission (RTM) in 2009 for 7 delegates representing private and public sector interests involved in the development of intermodal port-to-rail containerized freight transportation in Pakistan. Conducted by the Cornell Group, this RTM introduced the delegates to U.S. technologies and products that are used for efficiently improving and managing freight transportation.

Morocco Cold Storage Needs for Palm Dates – USTDA is funding a $531,810 grant to Morocco’s Ministry of Agriculture to provide technical assistance for cold storage infrastructure to store palm dates. The program includes a comprehensive study to identify the specific needs for cold storage infrastructure, such as the most appropriate technologies, including quantity and sizes of refrigeration facilities necessary to reducing post-harvest losses in date palm production. The study would primarily address the technical and financial feasibility of investing in a cold storage network for dates, a priority agricultural product in Morocco.

Regional Middle East and North Africa Cold Chain Reverse Trade Mission – In 2008, USTDA sponsored a reverse trade mission (RTM) to the United States for 12 Middle East and North Africa business and government representatives from Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco. During the visit the delegates participated in the the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA)/International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW)/World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO) Annual Convention, in California. Through attendance at the conference as well as site visits to U.S. equipment manufacturers and cold storage facilities, the delegates were introduced to modern cold chain technology available in the United States.

Regional Sub-Saharan Africa Road Construction Planning and Equipment Reverse Trade Mission – In 2008, USTDA supported a reverse trade mission (RTM) focused on the road construction planning and equipment sector in the four sub-Saharan African countries of Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mozambique, and Tanzania. In order to facilitate agricultural supply chain network integration in the region, the RTM introduced African road construction companies and government officials responsible for road planning to U.S. technologies, policies, and best practices related to road network development.