U.S. Businesses

USTDA's program benefits a variety of U.S. firms. From consulting firms to exporters, USTDA offers opportunities for U.S. businesses of every size to expand their reach into global markets.


The agency's brand of targeted foreign assistance presents opportunities for U.S. firms to provide analysis and advice related to USTDA grant-funded activities. Competitions are announced on the Federal Business Opportunities website, www.fbo.gov.

Small U.S. consulting firms can also compete for contracts with USTDA to advise the agency on the funding proposals it receives. These contracts, called desk studies if the work is performed entirely in the United States and definitional missions if they involve overseas travel, present valuable opportunities for small U.S. firms to establish overseas contacts.


USTDA has a proven track record of facilitating approximately $58 in U.S. exports for every $1 of program funds invested in overseas projects. The agency's program helps to position U.S. firms in the early stages of project development to compete for lucrative contracts during the implementation phase

In addition, USTDA conferences and reverse trade missions provide U.S. exporters with the opportunity to meet with key foreign decision makers. Often U.S. firms find that they can save time and money by attending USTDA events, where all of the key officials associated with current projects in particular sectors and countries are gathered at one time.

How Do I Get Started?

U.S. Consultants | U.S. Exporters | Submitting a Proposal to USTDA