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USPTO Public Training Portal and IP E-Learning Modules

USPTO Public Training Portal - Official USPTO Examiner Content

The USPTO Training Portal invites you to take an inside look at the USPTO's required examiner training. Challenge yourself to view these valuable resources and gain a deeper understanding of what USPTO examiners must know to due the difficult task of examination every day. The USPTO Training Portal offers, via webcast, the exact same classes that all USPTO patent and trademark examiners are required to take.

IP E-Learning Modules

The Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA) has produced six modules on intellectual property protection and enforcement in five languages.  The languages include English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Russian. These modules listed below cover all areas of intellectual property protection which include patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, enforcement and trade. Double click on the link below to view.


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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 5/17/2012 9:51:22 AM