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Research Programs

The pressing challenge for nuclear energy sets the context for INL's strategy. We will create a technically achievable, economically competitive and environmentally sustainable nuclear energy option for the nation that is worthy of public confidence and trust.

Six attributes are critical to our vision:

  • World-leading nuclear science and technology programs;
  • National/Homeland Security, Energy and Environmental programs that leverage our nuclear capabilities;
  • A robust science base;
  • A central role revitalizing nuclear S&T and engineering education in the United States;
  • Extensive collaborations with the world's premier academic, government and industrial nuclear S&T organizations; and
  • Forefront research facilities, support infrastructure and management systems.

Use the list below to find a specific project or topic:

Advanced Fuel Cycle Program

Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems

Advanced Process and Decision Systems

Agricultural Residues

Analytical Chemistry

Autonomous Operation




Biofuels and Renewable Energy

Biological Systems




Cellulosic Feedstock

Center for Advanced Modeling and Simulation

Chemical and Radiation Measurement

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Control Architecture

Defense Systems

Energy Efficiency and Industrial Technology

Energy Resources Recovery

Energy Storage and Transportation

Extremophile Research

Fracture Mechanics


Fusion Safety


Generation IV Systems


Geothermal Energy

High Performance Computing

Institute for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology

Interfacial Chemistry

Light Water Reactor Sustainability

Liquefied Natural Gas

Mass Spectrometry

Matched-Index-of-Refraction Flow Facility 

Materials Characterization

Material Performance

Material Properties


National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program


Nondestructive Evaluation

Nuclear Hydrogen

Nuclear Materials Characterization

Nuclear Nonproliferation

Nuclear Safety

Nuclear Search Engine

Oil Shale

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles


Reactor Physics

Renewable Energy

Robotics and Intelligent Systems


Seismic Monitoring

Space Nuclear

Systems Engineering

Thermal Fluids

Vehicle Performance Testing

Wind Energy

Page Contact Information:

Energy and Environment

The directorate addresses some of the nation's most pressing energy issues-including renewable energy.

National and Homeland Security

For more than five decades, INL's National and Homeland Security Directorate has performed essential research,

Nuclear Energy

We support our government's role to lead the revitalization of the nation's nuclear power industry and re-establish U.S. world leadership in nuclear science and technology.

Other Programs

INL provides project management services and hosts unique robotics, modeling and simulation capabilities for external customers.

Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office