Today's Military:

Military Glossary

Say Ahh

An Army National Guard Soldier performs a medical evaluation.

Related Items: Working

Maintaining High Health Standards

Maintaining High Health Standards (01:37)

Maj. Patrick Hsieh, an Air Force Reserve flight surgeon, describes the special circumstances of keeping servicemembers healthy.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Working
  • Officer
Practicing Medicine in the Army

Practicing Medicine in the Army (05:08)

Capt. Ana Morgan and Lt. Col. Paul Mayer discuss how the Medical Corps helped them achieve their career goals.

  • Army
  • Working
  • Officer
Fighting the Flood

Fighting the Flood (01:33)

When North Dakota needed help with the flooding Red River, members of the Army National Guard were there.

  • Army National Guard
  • Working
  • Enlisted, Officer

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