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Academic Publications

Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Scholarly Journal

The Center’s Academic Publications program disseminates scholarly output in the field of Holocaust studies through direct publication and copublishing arrangements, the works appearing in a variety of formats. The aim of these publication projects is to shed new light on previously unstudied topics, fill significant gaps in the literature, correct important misconceptions about Holocaust-related subjects, and facilitate access by scholars and the general public to the study of the Holocaust.

In addition to the scholarly contribution of the works it is publishing, the Center’s Academic Publications Program is guided by several other considerations, including the relation of the research to the Museum’s collections, the degree to which institutional support is needed to accomplish the project, and the research and teaching priorities in the field. Authors’ assertions, arguments, and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Museum, but responsible controversy is, in itself, no bar to publication.

Center publications undergo a rigorous, multilevel review process to ensure scholarly integrity, including review by peers, Center scholars, and the Academic Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. The Center publishes a variety of works including monographs (books), occasional papers, a scholarly journal, translations, testimonial materials, reprints and more.

The assertions, arguments, and conclusions of books and journal content published in association with the Museum, and of occasional papers published by the Museum, are those of their authors, volume editors, and/or other contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.


Demonizing the Jews: Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany
Demonizing the Jews: Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany
By Christopher J. Probst
Christopher J. Probst demonstrates that a significant number of German theologians and clergy made use of the sixteenth-century writings by Martin Luther on Jews and Judaism to reinforce the racial antisemitism and religious anti-Judaism already present among Protestants.
Nazi–Looted Jewish Archives in Moscow: A Guide to Jewish Historical and Cultural Collections in the Russian State Military Archive
Nazi–Looted Jewish Archives in Moscow: A Guide to Jewish Historical and Cultural Collections in the Russian State Military Archive
Edited by David E. Fishman, Mark Kupovetsky, and Vladimir Kuzelenkov


Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews of Palestine
Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews of Palestine
By Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cüppers
The Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes—Ringelblum Archive Catalog and Guide
The Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes—Ringelblum Archive Catalog and Guide
Edited by Robert Moses Shapiro and Tadeusz Epsztein; Introduction by Samuel D. Kassow
Eichmann’s Men
Eichmann’s Men
By Hans Safrian
After Representation?  The Holocaust, Literature, and Culture
After Representation? The Holocaust, Literature, and Culture
Edited by R. Clifton Spargo and Robert M. Ehrenreich

Tel: 800-259-9998

To order

Most of the books can be obtained from traditional and electronic commercial sources including the USHMM MUSEUM Shop; in addition the USHMM MUSEUM Shop offers a few of the foreign-language versions and can be purchased by calling: Tel: 800-259-9998; Fax: 202-488-0438.

Although collaborating publishers occasionally declare some editions of various titles out of print or out of stock, new and/or used copies of virtually all such titles usually remain available for purchase through www.bookfinder.com, www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, and similar distribution venues.

Member Discount

JOIN & DONATE / become a Museum member to receive a 10% discount on items purchased from the MUSEUM Shop. Museum members are also entitled to specially discounted subscriptions to the Scholarly Journal on a one calendar-year basis for U.S. $41.00.


If not already available online, single copies of occasional papers may be obtained by emailing cahs_publications@ushmm.org or by addressing a request to:

Academic Publications
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126