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Public Feedback on Count System Initiatives

The MOU on Count System Initiatives was signed on November 3, 2009.   A number of changes were effective on November 9, 2009 including

–        Time for Examiner-Initiated Interviews,

–        Changes in Timing for Examiners to Submitting Work,

–        Changes in Docket Management Policies,

–        Patentability Determination and Hoteling Waiver

–        Certification and Recertification.

On February 14, 2010 the Examiner Count Changes and Additional Examining Time went into effect.

As part of the MOU, Count System Initiatives expire automatically at end of FY 2010 unless Agency and Union agree to extend or modify the MOU for FY 2011.  In order to make this determination, the Task Force will be measuring the effects of these changes by:

–        gathering internal and public feedback,

–        meeting on a regular basis to monitor progress, and

–        considering additional improvements.

In order to gather public feedback, we are asking users to provide their input on the Count System Initiatives via CommisionersCorner email box.

This feedback may include, for example, things users like about the changes, things users don’t like about the changes, things that should be continued, things that should be stopped, and any recommendations on how to make the system better.

This feedback will be collected through August 19th and will be used along with other data points to make final decisions on whether or not to continue or modify the initiatives.

United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 8/4/2010 3:39:49 PM