In the Field

April 2012

In Tunisia, it is said, the unpopularity of particular ministries can be measured by the amount of barbed wire around their buildings. When I visited Tunis with my USIP colleagues, Bob Perito and Dan Brumberg, a year after the fall of Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) was still surrounded by concertina wire a few layers deep—more to protect those inside than to barricade the ministry.

January 2012

On the eve of the one-year commemoration of Egypt’s uprising, U.S. Institute of Peace fellow Robin Wright spent ten days in Cairo interviewing the new spectrum of political players, from the protesters camping out at Tahrir Square to the new Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi Members of Parliament as well as former al-Jihad extremists released from decades in jail.

(Courtesy: Daniel Noon)
November 2011

Manal Omar, director of Iran, Iraq and North Africa programs at the U.S. Institute of Peace, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations committee on November 2, 2011, on the role of women in the Arab Spring, and more specifically, their role in Libya.

Countries: Africa, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia | Issue Areas: Gender and Peacebuilding
November 2011

As the dramatic events of the Arab Spring turn to the more mundane yet vital work of governance, constitution writing and peacebuilding, USIP is on the ground, bringing its unique brand of action and expertise to the effort.

May 2011

Religious tensions in Egypt recently erupted into violence at two churches near Cairo, highlighting the importance of interfaith dialogue. Read about USIP's work to improve Coptic-Muslim relations in Egypt.

Countries: Africa, Egypt | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
May 2009

Senior Program Officers Nina Sughrue and Noor Kirdar continued USIP’s support for the international Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU), run by the Italian Caribinieri in Vicenza, Italy. CoESPU, which was established on March 1st 2005, stems from an Italian initiative, supported by the G8 countries to provide technical and financial assistance in order to improve global capacity for sustaining peace stability operations, particularly in African countries.

October 2008

Ted Feifer and Mike Lekson held a two-day negotiations training workshop in Washington for 39 junior diplomats from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Institute for Diplomatic Studies, on October 21-22, 2008.

March 2007

Institute trainers Nina Sughrue and Ted Feifer conducted a Workshop on Managing Conflict: Tools for Communication, Problem Solving and Negotiation in partnership with the Land Center for Human Rights (LCHR), in Cairo, Egypt, March 15-17, 2007.

Countries: Egypt | Issue Areas: Training | Programs: Workshops and Training in Zones of Conflict
March 2006

Mike Lekson, Ted Feifer, and Noor Kirdar of the Professional Training program led a workshop on multilateral diplomacy for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mediterranean Partners, in cooperation with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

July 2004

Working in partnership with the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) at Georgetown University, USIP offered a two-day seminar as part of ISIM´s training program for managers of humanitarian operations.