Register for an Account

Welcome to! On this page, you can register for a user account to enhance your experience using the family of websites. Your account can be used to access, the Defense Imagery Server (DIS), and the Account Management tool.

Account Information

Usernames must be at least 8 characters long and may contain only letters and numbers. Usernames are NOT case sensitive.

Passwords must meet Department of Defense strength guidelines. Click 'Show/hide password requirements' for more information. Retype your password in the Confirm field to prevent typographical errors.

  • At least 9 characters Done
  • At least 2 different uppercase letters (A-Z)Done
  • At least 2 different lowercase letters (a-z) Done
  • At least 2 different numbers (0-9) Done
  • At least 2 different symbols (!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_@`{|}~) Done
  • No consecutively repeating characters Done
  • Password and Confirm fields must match Done

Contact Information

Email Address

Enter your phone number with only numbers and hyphens (-)
e.g. 555-555-5555 (commercial) or 555-5555 (DSN).

Phone Type

Security Questions

The security questions are used to help you retrieve your password if you forget it. Please select two security questions and enter your responses. You must complete both security questions.

Question 1
Question 2