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Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range

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News and Information

BLM Holds Successful Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Adoption

The BLM Billings Field Office on Saturday, September 8, 2012, was successful in sending all 38 adult excess wild horses and 7 foals to good homes following a six-week bait-trap gather on the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range (PMWHR).

“The success of this bait-trap gather and adoption is largely due to the great working relationships the Billings Field Office has with the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center, and public,” Field Manager Jim Sparks said.  “The Pryor herd has a very passionate public following and the BLM appreciates that – we can’t manage the herd alone.” (more)

About the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range

A horse on the rangeMontana is home to only one herd of wild horses, located in the Pryor Mountains south of Billings along the Montana-Wyoming border. There are no wild horse herds in the Dakotas. 

For more than a century, the Pryor Mountains have been home to free-roaming bands of wild horses.  In 1968, Interior Secretary Stewart Udall set aside 31,000 acres in the Pryor Mountains as a public range for the wild horses living there. Subsequent to Udall's order, the passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act in 1971 allowed for expansion of the range to areas where horses were "presently found."

The Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range is unique in both its setting and for the wild horses that inhabit it.  Many of the horses have primitive striping on their backs, withers and legs, and are reputed to be descendents of "colonial" Spanish horses. 

To assist in educating the public about the Pryor Mountain wild horse herd, the BLM partners with the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center located in Lovell, Wyoming.  For more information about the center, please click here

Learn more about the national wild horse and burro program following this link .



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Pryor Mountain Quick Facts
Pryor Mountain Brochure
2012 Pryor Mountain Gather

FY 2012 Adoption Schedule

How to Adopt

FY 2012 Gather Schedule

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National Wild Horse and Burro Program

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